Mixed apparatus will be used in class to develop solo choreographies. Students will be invited to perform in an informal demonstration at the end of the series.
Help to shine your aerial glow in performances!
In this weekly series, aerialists will learn choreography and routine progression. Possible apparatus include aerial hammock and lyra. You will develop your move sequencing on both apparatus in preparation for performances.
Aerial apparatus cross-training improves core control, grip strength, and upper body strength. The more classes you take, the more these benefits increase!
All levels are welcome (mature teens by permission).
Clothing requirements: tight-fitting; no zippers or metal; make sure under-arms are covered. All jewelry must be off. T-shirt on! No perfume.
Please pre-register for this series in advance and arrive 15 minutes early to ensure you can safely enjoy the classes. Since space is limited and setup time is necessary, we are not able to accommodate late arrivals to Aerial classes.
Kindly note: By signing up for this series, you are reserving your spot for every session and your teacher will be paid accordingly. Drop-in students will not fill in your place in the series if you don’t show up for a session. Refunds and credits are not available for absences.
Kindly let your instructor know of any injuries. Contra-indications for aerial classes include heart-conditions and a fused spine.
PLEASE NOTE: In-person participants are welcome to wear masks. If you have symptoms of COVID 19, please refrain from attending. Mahalo!
Katharine brings her bright smile and effervescent spirit to every class! She loves helping students find their connection to health and self-expression through these amazing human bodies we live in.
Katharine’s background in movement runs deep and wide. As a dance and fitness educator, she is certified in aerial yoga, many somatic disciplines and the MELT Method Bodywork. She holds an MFA in Dance from the University of Arizona, is a graduate of the Tamalpa Institute where she studied with dance pioneer, Anna Halprin.
She taught hundreds of aerial and dance students over a decade at her Center for Embodied Spirituality, LLC in Marin County, California. Utilizing various aerial props such as trapeze, hammock and lyra, she loves teaching dance and improvisation (See soullovesthebody.com).
Some of Katharine’s professional performance experience includes Liz Lerman Hallelujah Project, ORTS Theater of Dance, Body Prints Theatre, Zenith Dance Collective, Anna Halprin’s “Spirit of Place” Stern Grove 2009 and UpSwing Aerial Dance Company National Dance Week Performance 2014-2018.
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