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Limited edition class- Oct 3 to Dec 5, 2022
Mondays 7:30-8:30pm HST
Ancient wisdom for today’s leaders managing natural resources -Island style:
Living on the Earthʻs most isolated landmass, early Hawaiians adapted and thrived by managing their precious resources. This management style has at its core a traditional healing prayer that provides direction, bringing all aspects of life into alignment. Palena refers to land boundaries and participants are guided through establishing their own boundaries around business, projects and personal life.
The classes will take a deep dive into your personal goal setting within a Palena framework. Rotating through the 8 chapters of Kumu Malia’s curriculum.

Mālia Helelā
Kumu Mālia Ko’i’ulaokawaolehua Helelā strives to live a life of grace. Her halau, which meets at Still & Moving Center, is Na Hula Ola Aloha. Completing her uniki under Kumu Hula Puluelo Park in 2002, she now teaches hula and oli to a wide range of students, from infants and toddlers to kupuna. Mālia studied oli (traditional Hawaiian chant) under Kumu Hula Keola Lake. She began her formal training in lomilomi as a teenager. She was licensed by the State of Hawaii as a massage therapist in 1998 and as an esthetician in 2002. Her hula practice and lomilomi practice, she says, are the same. She continues to look to the beauty and grace of the Hawaiian environment for grounding and inspiration.

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