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Hatha Yoga: Sun

Mondays  10:30 – 11:45 am HST


This energizing class will leave you feeling uplifted and awake while also staying present and grounded. Yoga is all about the movement of energy, and in this class, you’ll learn how to feel and expand energy within your whole mind-body-spirit system.

Backbends, laterals, bandhas, and a focus on the inhale all work to increase and direct prana (vital energy). Practice opening your heart and letting yourself receive! This class slowly builds and ends with a short meditation.

Hatha Yoga: Moon

Tuesdays  4:15 – 5:25 pm HST


Come back to yourself! This grounding yoga class helps you wind down, calm your nervous system, and stabilize your mind. Experience the soothing effect of longer forward folds, gentle twists, and a focus on exhales. Our Moon class draws on a more traditional approach to yoga and is designed for you to drop into the present moment and find your inner center. The class builds towards and ends with a short meditation.

Maria Laura Tjay

It was 2015 on a solo backpacking trip in Thailand,  when Maria Laura decided to join a Vipassana meditation retreat at a Buddhist temple. She had barely heard about meditation before and suddenly found herself trying to sit quietly for more than eight hours a day, calming her mind and looking within. After a few days, something shifted. She left as a new person. This was the the beginning of her healing journey.

When Maria Laura returned back home to Italy her previous career as a journalist felt out of alignment. “I experienced my first “dark night of the soul” as I didn’t fit into my old life anymore,” says Maria. She began practicing yoga and then soon after, flew to India where she completed her first Ashtanga / Vinyasa Flow Yoga teacher training in 2016.

She returned to the same yoga school a year later for a three-month internship and then decided to do another 200h YTT in Traditional Hatha Yoga shortly after. 

In 2018 Maria Laura was the primary yoga teacher at the high-end wellness hotel Silena in the Italian Alps and then opened her own studio in January 2019. Alongside teaching regular classes she led weeklong yoga retreats at Silena, taught in-depth workshops, and twice a week guided people at a mental health clinic through yoga sessions.

Maria Laura has been practicing yoga and meditation for nine years now. Her practice continues to evolve.

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