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Lomilomi Massage Training. In-person & Online “Grounded and Growing” with Mālia Helelā, kumu hula and kumu lomilomi

October 1, 2023, @ 9:00 am - October 29, 2023, @ 12:30 pm HST

Lomilomi Massage Training In-person & Online – “Grounded & Growing” – with Mālia Helelā, kumu hula and kumu lomilomi

Focusing on the limbs of the body and an introduction to lāʻau lapaʻau (plant medicine)

5 Sundays: Oct 1 to 22, 2023
9:00am – 12:30pm HST
Sunday, Oct 29
8:00am-12:30pm HST

CECs available

Lomilomi & hula have been shaped over time by the structure & rhythm of the Hawaiian environment. Hawaiʻi occupies a unique place in the world. The Hawaiian Islands rise from a hot spot at the center of the Pacific and stretch along the tradewinds belt. As keen observers of nature, early Hawaiian voyagers adapted themselves to their island home and lived closely intertwined with their beloved ʻāina (lands).

This training will ground the practitioner in the study of the appendicular skeletal system (arms and legs) and provides an introduction to lāʻau lapaʻau (plant medicine). We will look to the land and see ourselves reflected there. In addition to hands-on lomilomi instruction, this course will include making an herbal tea, an infused oil and a salve. Students will learn a chant for gathering medicine and see how it applies to the healing process.

This “Grounded & Growing” module of Kumu Malia’s lomilomi massage training is one of 8 complementary training modules, each 16 hours long. Malia’s 8 modules*, each with its own focus, provide 128 hours of training to comprise her full culturally-based approach to lomilomi massage. 

Hands on lomilomi techniques will be introduced from the first lesson, so come prepared to practice.

Hawaiian lomilomi massage is unique in all of the ways that Hawai’i is unique. Lomilomi acknowledges and appreciates the influence of Hawaii’s natural environment on its healing practices. This training provides a foundation in lomilomi that is appropriate for use in a spa setting or within the family. 

Topics in the training include, but are not limited to, Hawaiian terminology for the course, opening and closing protocols, palpation, using the bones as guides, and body systems found in nature. To complement the lomilomi massage techniques, students also learn relevant components of oli (chanting), hula (dance), pule (prayer) and ‘ōlelo (language). 

This particular lomilomi training, entitled “Grounded and Growing”, focuses on the appendicular skeletal system (arms and legs) and provides an introduction to lāʻau lapaʻau (plant medicine). 


How much you pay for training and practice can be an act of justice. For those of you who can afford to pay on the higher end of the scale, your payment helps to support those who cannot. This is one way to leverage our privilege and stand for equity for everyone. If you cannot pay the higher end suggested, consider what is authentically sustainable for you, and pay that. Please contact us at 808-397-7678 to select the Community rate.

$525   | Supporter Rate (support others as well as yourself)

$475   | Sustainer Rate (pays for you)

$425   | Community Rate (discounted)

Value of this training: $475

If none of the above pricing options are within your means, please contact us at info@stillandmovingcenter.com   for more options.

There is a $40 Supply fee for ingredients to make a tea, an herb infused oil and a salve. Purchase NOW


  1. Prayers & Permissions
  2. Bones & Assessments
  3. Soft Tissues & Palpation
  4. Limbs & Herbal Medicine
  5. Joints and Range of Motion 
  6. Vitals & Cleansing
  7. Cranium & Nervous System
  8. Protocols & Timing

  Kumu Mālia

Kumu Mālia Ko’i’ulaokawaolehua Helelā  strives to live a life of grace. She began her formal training in lomilomi as a teenager. She was licensed by the State of Hawaii as a massage therapist in 1998 and as an esthetician in 2002. Her hula practice and lomilomi practice, she says, are the same. Her hula halau, which meets at Still & Moving Center, is named Na Hula Ola Aloha. Completing her ‘uniki under Pulu’elo Park, Kumu Hula,  in 2002, Kumu Mālia now teaches hula and oli (traditional Hawaiian chanting) to a wide range of students, from infants and toddlers to kupuna. Mālia studied oli under John Keola Lake, Kumu Hula. She has received her advanced lomilomi training from Kumu Keola Chan. She continues to look to the beauty and grace of the Hawaiian environment for grounding and inspiration

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October 1, 2023, @ 9:00 am HST
October 29, 2023, @ 12:30 pm HST
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