Sunday, November 24, 2019 3:30 – 6:30 pm
Vegetarian potluck dishes gratefully welcomed
Contact Still & Moving Center to coordinate rides: 808.397.7678
Add your mana, your love, to these huge copper whales! Join copper artist Sooriya Kumar, who is sculpting these whales with the help of thousands of people, young and old, from around the world. Help shine the light awareness: Protect these gentle giants who live in the oceans that connect all the continents of the globe. The sea and land together hold all of the world’s inhabitants… ideally in peace. So we’ll all “bump” copper and celebrate our togetherness in Sooriya’s Koholā Ola Peace Project.
Join inspirational Hawaiian singer/songwriter Faith Rivera for “Child of the Universe” and “This Little Light of Mine”, as well as her hit song “The Power of Now”.
Walk among the farm’s dozens of fruit tree varieties, down the rows of organic vegetables, and past the various sacred spots, such the Bodhi tree grown from a slip of the original Bodhi tree in India under which the Buddha is said to have gained enlightenment.
The entire construction process of creating the whales for world peace will become part of a documentary film by Matthew Nagato and Alexander Bocchieri. People from Still & Moving Center and its sister company Prometheus Construction are being specially invited to participate in early stages of the whale pounding, to be included in the filming.
Please bring your whole family, keiki to kupuna, and join us afterward for a vegetarian potluck dinner with the dish of your choice.
The mother and baby whale sculptures will eventually find their way onto the new Community Center building going up in Nanakuli on the Waianae coast. In the future, our children and our children’s children can always visit the whales for peace and know that they or their kupuna took part in their creation.
Mouna Farm & Cultural Village
Phone: (808) 476-0057
85-485 A Wai’anae Valley Road
Wai’anae, HI 96792
PO Box 342
Wai’anae, HI 96792
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