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Contemporary Dance at Still & Moving Center

Global Dance Studio in Hawaii. Join our global dance studio, online & live! Contemporary, Ecstatic and cultural dances: Hula, Belly Dance, Afro-Fusion, Bollywood, tango.

Contemporary Dance literally means dance from our current time frame. That pulls in everything from the most avant-garde new dance forms on the street, out of professional dance troupes and schools, from the somatic or ecstatic communities, or the latest take on what we might call ethnic dancing. As a global dance studio in Hawaii, Still & Moving Center is open to it all as it comes our way! Culture, art, mindful movement to great music – bring it on!  Movement, music and magic!  Watch for outstanding workshops and events as great dancers pop up in our Barefoot Ballroom!

Still & Moving is a global dance studio in Hawaii, that offers cultural and contemporary dance classes online and in person. Sign up for a class today!

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