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The Artist’s Way: A Winter Creativity Workshop Series – LIVE ONLINE, Interactive with Sarah Hodges

February 12, 2022, @ 8:45 am - 9:45 am HST

December 11, 2021  •  January 8, 2022  •  February 12, 2022

3 online sessions – 12 weeks of independent journaling + WhatsApp group check-ins

Saturdays, 8:45 – 9:45 am Hawaii Time

Offered free of charge • Donations to the Still & Moving Center scholarship fund gladly accepted

~ A Twelve-Week Process with a Monthly One Hour Gathering

~ 3 Pages of free-journaling per day & One Artist’s Date per week

Prior to participating in an Artist’s Way group, I had made a couple attempts  on my own to complete the twelve weeks of journaling, but something always seemed to stop the process. With the added support and accountability of being in an Artist’s Way group, I completed the full 12 weeks, and felt more grounded, clear, and invigorated by the end of it. And, much to my surprise, during the final weeks I encountered an opportunity to write for an art publication and became a published writer – something I had only dreamt of ever accomplishing! Now, I’d like to pay it forward and offer this group to you, to share the gifts that I gained from this practice. – Sarah Hodges

Julia Cameron, writer, director, and poet, first developed The Artist’s Way in 1992 as a tool for creative recovery.  She offers a book on this method to everyone, not just writers or those pursuing the arts. People all around the world now participate in this practice.  

Morning pages, a stream-of-consciousness journaling practice, can take you anywhere from 20-40 minutes each day. If mornings are not a time when you feel available to write, you might prefer writing in the evenings or the middle of the day — your choice! You’ll be using Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way, as a launch pad. Each week you will also take yourself on a solo Artist’s Date, an intentional outing or experience of your choice. We will check in over zoom every month as a group, and also have a daily text check-in on WhatsApp. 

Throughout this course I’ll ask you not to read over anything that you write until the workbook directs us to do so towards the end of the series. We’ll do our best to write without stopping, without rethinking, without censoring, without judgment. You don’t have to worry about grammar, handwriting, or spelling. You can just let it flow!

“The Artist’s Way is not exclusively about writing—it is about discovering and developing the artist within, whether a dancer, painter, poet, screenwriter, musician, or other creative being…”


The Artist’s Way Weekly Focus:

Week 1: Recovering a Sense of Safety

Week 2: Recovering a Sense of Identity 

Week 3: Recovering a Sense of Power

Week 4: Recovering a Sense of Integrity

Week 5: Recovering a Sense of Possibility

Week 6: Recovering a Sense of Abundance

Week 7: Recovering a Sense of Connection

Week 8: Recovering a Sense of Strength

Week 9: Recovering a Sense of Compassion

Week 10: Recovering a Sense of Self-Protection

Week 11: Recovering a Sense of Autonomy

Week 12: Recovering a Sense of Faith

Sarah Hodges


For Sarah Hodges, growing up in the nature of Hawai’i deeply influences everything she does. From painting, to dancing, to playing violin, to writing – Sarah feels a resonant whisper of the island breezes, the lively rhythmic movement of the rolling, crashing waters of the ocean, and the gentle touch of the plant life’s assuring presence – throughout all that she experiences and creates.

IONA Contemporary Dance Theatre Company has chosen Sarah to represent Pele, goddess of the volcano, in the company’s upcoming Hawaiian goddess show. Anyone watching Sarah’s graceful lines as she moves will feel transported by her depiction of this larger-than-life character. We can’t wait to see what happens when she erupts onto the stage in her full regalia for the first performance! Meanwhile Sarah helps Artistic Director Cheryl Flaharty to assemble her fabulously creative costumes. 

Sarah starred in a short video that won an award at the 2020 Cannes Film Festival – as a hula-dancing souvenir doll who comes to life! The film was deliberately shot on an old camera with a single roll of film and no option to edit it after shooting, as per competition guidelines.   

At age 12, she began studying with her grandfather, the renowned classical painter Snowden Hodges. She went on to study art formally in New York at the Grand Central Academy and in Italy at the Florence Academy of Art, where she spent a year reproducing great masters’ pieces.

After silently sitting in a museum immersed in deceased artists’ work day after day, Sarah’s free spirit needed to move. She began dancing again and threw herself into learning lomilomi massage with one of Hawaii’s masters, a kumu lomi known as Uncle Alva, and went on to practice lomilomi professionally in Los Angeles for several years. 

For years, while Sarah was honing her lomilomi skills, her paint brushes sat patiently awaiting her return to the canvas. After many years away from the easel, she pulled out her canvases and the paint started to spill across the open spaces with bright bold studies in the faces of humanity. Faces of every color overlapped and interweaved, filigreed together with Sarah’s elegant whimsy.

As the Cultivator of Connection through Media for Still & Moving Center since late in 2019, Sarah writes and edits much of our written word and has helped to design our new website. When she took the job, she surprised herself at how much she enjoyed writing, which she really hadn’t done much of since college. She embarked several online writing courses at UCLA, and then joined an Artist’s Way group. Even before she finished her work with the group, Sarah submitted a story the Classical Arts section of Radiant Life magazine and was accepted onto their writing staff. She’s since joined the writing staff of two other magazines: Canvas magazine for the fine arts and American Essence, a lifestyle magazine.

Now that she’s back on island, Sarah’s jamming again with local musicians. Music, dance, and art all pulse through Sarah’s words!



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February 12, 2022,
8:45 am - 9:45 am HST
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