In this workshop you will:
12:30-2:30 pm HST
Price: $39
Do-in: Mindful Self-Massage promotes the comprehensive mindfulness of your body.
Traditional Chinese Medicine says that most diseases are caused by an imbalance or blockage in qi. Do-In provides the ideal vehicle to restore balance and promote self-healing.
In the Tai chi Classics, they say, “where your mind goes, the qi goes”.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, they say, “where the qi goes, the blood goes”.
With Do-In practice, you will discover how to create healthy qi and blood circulation through mindful self-massage.
Do-In originated from the Chinese “daoyin” whose manuscripts date back to 200 BC. “do” and “in” both mean “to lead or guide”. In this case, it refers to how this technique guides or leads the qi (pronounced “chee”), the vital energy, in the body. It is a simple technique that can have profound effects on your level of health when practiced regularly.
Dr. Yuen learned Do-in from the discipline of macrobiotics which was spread by its primary proponent, Michio Kushi. Dr. Yuen has modified the traditional Do-in with the employment of a massage tool called the “backnobber”; this helps better align Do-in with the principle of the Whole and the pursuit of “self-health”. Backnobbers will be provided at this workshop for your use if you do not have one.
Dr Yuen encourages participants to attend workshops in person to get the full experience of their body and qi.
Dr. Yuen combines an easy, interactive teaching style with a no-nonsense, straightforward approach to get you to know and love your body more than you ever have before.
After his grandmother died when he was twelve years old, Dr. Greg Yuen dedicated his life to the pursuit of health and longevity. This has led to his over forty years as a psychiatrist, a taichi instructor, and a massage therapist. He has now distilled his knowledge and experience of both Western and Eastern medicine to commit to the promotion of Do-in: Mindful Self-Massage. Do-in forwards his pursuit of “self-health” approaches that rely less on any medical doctors and paves the way to longevity.
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