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Lomilomi Massage for Family & Friends – LIVE ONLINE, INTERACTIVE with Malia Helela – 家族・友人のためのロミロミマッサージ〜ライブ・オンラインwith クム ・マリア

June 27, 2020, @ 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm HST

Live Japanese Translation by Eriko Jones – 日本語通訳付き

12:30-2:30 PM HST — (Japan time 7:30am Friday)

$59 for two participants in the same home 家族・親子2人で参加(2人で$59)

Lomilomi has traditionally been practiced in the home. This two hour workshop will provide you with practical and accessible lomilomi techniques that can be safely shared with your family and friends. Our live, interactive online format lets you learn in the comfort of your own home. Lessons begin with self massage techniques and then progress to lomilomi for others. You will practice on each other during the workshop.

Therapeutic touch begins when a mom first smoothes her hands in wonder over her growing belly. Across human experience, skills develop as parents perform endless diaper and clothing changes and learn what helps to soothe their individual keiki. The need to provide reassuring touch continues through the bumps and bruises of childhood to the aching hearts of teenage life. Whether or not we are parents ourselves, we remember what it felt like to be young and hurting and cared for – or wanting to be cared for.

We reach out in sympathy and kindness to friends who experience pain, both physical and emotional. We gently hold hands with precious elders who may not be moving around the way they used to. At the heart of the human experience is a calling to care for one another, and this can be accomplished beautifully through lomilomi.

Please make sure to have a pillow and a pareo/sarong nearby for class. Lessons will take place on the floor.


Kumu Malia クム・マリア


Kumu Mālia Ko’i’ulaokawaolehua Helela strives to live a life of grace. She began her formal training in lomilomi as a teenager. She was licensed by the State of Hawaii as a massage therapist in 1998 and as an esthetician in 2002. Her hula practice and lomilomi practice, she says, are the same. Her hula halau, which meets at Still & Moving Center, is Na Hula Ola Aloha. Completing her ‘uniki under Pulu’elo Park, Kumu Hula, in 2002, Kumu Mālia now teaches hula and oli to a wide range of students, from infants and toddlers to kupuna. Mālia studied oli (traditional Hawaiian chant) under John Keola Lake, Kumu Hula. She has received her advanced lomilomi training from Kumu Keola Chan. She continues to look to the beauty and grace of the Hawaiian environment for grounding and inspiration.

クム・マリア コイウラオカヴァオレフア へレラは優美ある人生を生きることをモットーとしております。10代後半でロミロミの正式なトレーニングを始め,1998年にマッサージ・セラピスト、2002年にエステティシャンのハワイ州認定ライセンスを取得。クム・マリアはフラとロミロミの訓練は同じだと語ります。クム・マリアのハラウ・ナ・フラ・オラ・アロハはスティル・アンド・ムービングセンターでクムの指導の下、レッスンに励んでいます。クム・フラ・プルエロ パーク氏に師事、2002年にウニキ終了。現在、乳幼児からクプナまで、幅広い年齢層の生徒にフラ・オリを教えています。クム・マリアはクム・フラ ケオラ ライクの教えの下でオリ(伝統的なハワイのチャント)を学び、クム ケオラ チャンから上級ロミロミ・トレーニングの指導を受けました。美しいハワイの自然の恩恵に感謝し、ハワイの大地に本質とインスピレーションを求め続けています。


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June 27, 2020,
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm HST
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ハワイ United States