6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Home-cooked Indian food from Sooriya’s family will be available on a donation basis.
Guests are asked to donate generously in support of Sooriya’s efforts to uplift the Waianae coast community through his work at Mouna Farm.
Enjoy an evening of Spirit expressed in copper sculpture and in the human voice. For Sri Lankan artist Sooriya Kumar, the creation of his copper art is continuous prayer. “I become one with the piece I make – you can see it in the angel of annunciation whispering to Mother Mary – I am merged with that angel. It is my meditation, my bliss. I give my life and soul to the sculpture.” According to Sooriya, he was healed by his sacred art: “Otherwise I would have been a bitter, angry man.” An internationally recognized sculptor, Sooriya will explain to us the symbolism and traditional Indian process he uses to create his sculptures, featuring his most recent masterpiece “Dakshina Murti”.
While some of Sooriya’s multi-faith art regularly adorns the walls at Still & Moving Center, including an incredibly beautiful Ganesh, Sooriya will share with us a number of new pieces, plus a short video of where he performs his work on Mouna Farm. Just as Sooriya finds inspiration in all the world’s religious traditions, professional chanteuse Vima Lamur gives voice to sacred songs and chants from around the globe. This world-traveling performing artist and teacher will share with us such pieces as the Hindu Maha Mritunjaya, a participatory Islamic prayer in Arabic, Ava Maria in Latin, the Tibetan Heart Sutra mantra, Shaolin Taoist chanting, and an African Yoruba chant for the goddess Yemaya. Her hauntingly lovely voice will grace this evening’s experience.
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