by Renée Tillotson | Apr 12, 2018 | Letter from the director, Life At The Center
Letter from the Director by Renée Tillotson Kwan Yin, the goddess of mercy and compassion, is often pictured accompanied by a carp. She’s the one whose statue graces our lobby at Still & Moving Center. Her selfless credo, a bodhisattvic pledge, has always inspired...
by Renée Tillotson | Apr 6, 2017 | Letter from the director, Life At The Center
by Renée Tillotson When our driver Suresh told us his wife’s family lived in Chidambaram, I had no idea of the significance of his understated comment. I did not guess that Cliff and I were about to be delightfully ushered through a portal into the heart of India. At...