Replay: Monday, June 21 at 12-1:30 pm HST/
3-4:30 pm PST / 6-7:30 pm EST
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Celebrate Hawaii’s 3rd annual International Yoga Day: Renaissance Yoga
A man may seek a Golden Thread that binds all religions, sciences and philosophies, and yet never be wholly successful unless he becomes a universal man, a Renaissance man, a man of all cultures. – Raghavan Iyer
Renew your inspiration in this Renaissance Yoga event! Still & Moving Center recognizes the interdisciplinary connections that yoga shares with moving and still meditation practices the world over. Discover the links between yoga and other mindful disciplines at this international event.
Women and men, yoginis and yogins throughout Hawaii and beyond have cultivated mindful yoga and yoga-like activities for the mind and body. Our presenters will provide you with a combination of insight and opportunities to move.
We are grateful to our keynote speaker, Raj Kumar, and the Gandhi International Institute for Peace for leading the charge that culminated in Hawaii being the first state in the nation to officially recognize International Yoga Day.
Directed by Neelanthi Vadivel
Our roster of presenters includes:
Keynote Speech: Raj Kumar, President of the Gandhi International Institute for Peace*
Renaissance Yoga – Ramdas Lamb, Religious Studies professor, Yogi & former sadhu
Yoga and Dance Therapy〜ヨガ&ダンスセラピー Yukie Iijima, Yoga/Nia instructor & Dance therapist with Japanese/English translation by Eriko Jones ヨガ/ニア・インストラクター、ダンスセラピスト(通訳:Eriko Jones)
Yoga and Bharata Natyam Classical Indian Dance – Sonja Sironen, Bharatanatyam Dance teacher
The Synergy between ‘Prana’ and ‘Chi’ Energies – Dr Wong Kai Ming, Tai Chi Chuan instructor
Yoga and the Creative Process – Elizabeth Lenz-Hill, Dance instructor
Yoga to Cultivate the Flow State – David Sanders, Yoga instructor
Yoga and Nature – Lizabeth Kashinsky, Ecopsychologist, Yogini & Meditation instructor
Yoga as Moving Meditation – Marla Waal, Yoga and Eldoa teacher
Imposter Yoga – Neelanthi Vadivel, dancer and Yoga student
Yoga and Nutrition – Claudia Castor, Yoga Instructor & Ayurvedic consultant
*Please mark your calendars to honor Mahatma Gandhi Day on October 2 , 2021 with the Gandhi International Institute for World Peace.
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