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Online Only

Saturdays 3:00 – 4:00 pm HST

Freely Offered

Hosted by Renée Tillotson with featured presenter

Gems from the Wisdom Traditions. A weekly live online conversation circle. Enjoy this weekly dip into the great wealth of the world’s wisdom traditions with featured presenters and guests. Spiritual seekers from many different paths share their own life wisdom while learning from one another.

Join us to focus each week on one brilliant gem – a teaching to illuminate our minds and hearts – as suggested by the themes in the Still & Moving Center Almanac, in which the them for the whole of 2024 is “Irreversibility, Eyes to the Future”. Your Gems’ moderator, Renée Tillotson, is Director & Founder of Still & Moving Center, engaged in an earnest, life-long spiritual quest accompanied and taught by a wide variety of spiritual seekers and teachers.


Class Schedule

“Your Gems program elevates my day, reminds me of great ideas that we can strive for, reminds me of the hidden potential in every human being for brotherhood and sisterhood.” – Donna Moore

Enhance your experience by joining our conversation with your 2024 almanac! Available in-store and Online

Upcoming Topic:

January 11, 2025: “Human Perfectibility” – Carolyn Dorrance on DaVinci from the Renaissance tradition

Future Topics:

January 18, 2025: “Perceiving The Invisible”

Past Topics

January 4, 2025: “Light on the path” Renee Tillotson on the Interfaith tradition

December 28, 2024: “Prajna – The Virtue of Spiritual Wakefulness” Bob Buss on the Buddhist Tradition

December 21, 2024: “The Christmas Spirit” – Mariange Uebersax on the Mystic Christianity tradition.

December 14, 2024: ” A Firm Grasp On Our Destiny” – Cliff Tillotson on the American Transcendentalist tradition of Thoreau

December 7, 2024: “The Pyramid” – Kirk Gradin on the Symbolic Architecture tradition

November 30, 2024: “The Ascending Cycle” – Renée Tillotson on the Astrological Historical tradition. (view recording here)

November 23, 2024: “Bounty & Gratitude”

November 16, 2024: “Dhyana — The Virtue of Contemplation” – Veena Howard from the Hindu tradition

November 9, 2024: “Conserving Creative Energy” – Renée Tillotson on the tradition of Writing

November 2, 2024: “Self-Study & Meditation” – Sarah Hodges on the tradition of Art and the Sacred

October 26, 2024 (No Gems meeting in preparation for Diwali)
October 27, 2024 (Sunday): *Join us for a special live-streaming event* Diwali Festival of Lights at 5:50pm HST

October 19, 2024: “Dynamic Balance” – Anna Morales on Photography from the Tradition of the Visual Arts

October 12, 2024: “Virya — The Virtue of Dauntless Striving” – Bob Buss on the Buddhist tradition

October 5, 2024: “The Swan” – Kirk Gradin on the Hindu and Buddhist Mythology tradition

Septemeber 28, 2024: “Swadharma — Our True Calling” – Peeyush Kumar on various mystical traditions

September 21, 2024:  “Consciousness of Divine Will” – Peeyush Kumar

September 14, 2024:  “Sleep & Dreams” – Renée Tillotson on the Psychology tradition

September 7, 2024: Viraga, the Virtue of Seeing The Whole – Loida Begley on the Civil Service side of the Military Leadership tradition

August 31, 2024: “The Logic of Reincarnation” – Liseth Ancidey on the Theosophical tradition

August 24, 2024: “Galaxies of Enlightened Beings” – Cliff Tillotson on the Taoist tradition

August 17, 2024: “Fearless & Lion-Hearted” – Monica Pege on the Theosophical tradition

August 10, 2024: “Kshanti – The Virtue of Patience” – Kumu Mālia Helelā on the Hawaiian tradition

August 3, 2024: “The Eye” – Sharonne Gracia on the Yoga tradition

July 27, 2024: ” Dropping The Mask” – Eddie Oroyan on the Dance tradition

July 20, 2024: “Assimilating our Life Experiences” – Renée Tillotson on the reincarnation traditions.

July 13, 2024: “The Beneficence Of Karma” – Maurice Bisheff on the Theosophical tradition.

July 6, 2024: “Shila – The Virtue Of Balancing The Inner & Outer” – Dr. Randy Wong on the on the Tai Chi / Taoist tradition

June 29, 2024: “The Eagle” – Renée Tillotson & participants in the Storytelling tradition on the Native American Story of Jumping Mouse

June 22, 2024: “United We Stand” – Kaiolena Malm on the unifying power of the Hula tradition  (view recording here)

June 15, 2024: “Our Dual Nature” – Ryan Quirk on the Kriya Yoga tradition of Paramahansa Yogananda (view recording here)


June 8, 2024: “Dana – The Virtue Of Charity” – Mary Bird on the Catholic tradition (view recording here)

June 1, 2024: “The Sphinx” – Kirk Gradin from the Egyptian and Greek traditions (view recording here)

May 25, 2024: “The Wisdom of Solomon” – Sharonne Gracia from the tradition of the Old Testament

May 18, 2024: ” Great Renunciation” – Thushara Samarawickrama from the Buddha’s tradition

May 11, 2024:  “MOTHER EARTH” (view recording here)

“Princess Sita, born of Mother Earth” – Skyler Riela (who played the role of Sita) on the Hindu tradition of The Ramayana

“Mother Earth & the Way of the Guide” – Amos Clifford (Founder of Association of Nature & Forest Therapy) on the tradition of Forest Therapy

May 4, 2024: “Buddhi Yoga – Path of Compassion” – Kirk Gradin on the Advaita Vedanta tradition

April 27, 2024: ” From the Unreal to the Real” – John Powers on the Theosophical tradition (view recording here)

April 20, 2024: “Shri Hanuman: Devoted” – Ramdas Lamb on the Hindu tradition (view recording here)

April 13, 2024: “Prince Rama: Unwavering” – Zz Riela on the Hindu tradition
April 6, 2024: ” Karma Yoga – Path of Skill in Action” – Veena Howard on Jain tradition (view recording here)

March 30, 2024: “The Meaning of Easter” – Dustin Hara on the Christian tradition (view recording here)

March 24, 2024: “Time & Eternity” – Kirk Gradin on the Advaita Vedanta tradition (view recording here)

March 16, 2024: “Higher Carelessness” – Dr. Randy Wong on the Tradition of Philosophical Inquiry

March 9, 2024: “Bhakti Yoga” – Path of Devotion – Mary Bird on the Catholic tradition

March 2, 2024: “Partciping In The Cosmic Dance” – Janani Lakshmanan on the Bharatanatyam Tradition of classic Indian Dance (view recording here)

February 24, 2024: “Continuity of Consciousness” – Renée Tillotson on the Theosophical tradition (view recording here)

February 17, 2024: “Harmony & Synthesis” – Olivia Trice on the Civil Rights tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

February 10, 2024: “Jnana Yoga – Path of Knowledge” – Bob Buss (view recording here)

February 3, 2024: “The Yogic Paths” – Sharonne Gracia on the Yoga tradition of Patanjali (view recording here)

January 27, 2024: “What Does the Soul Need for Its Evolution?” – Kai Samire on the Nutritional Health tradition (view recording here)

January 20, 2024: ” The Zodiac” – Peeyush Kumar on the Archetypal Astrology tradition

January  13, 2024: “Facing Our Shadow” – Robin Shepard on the Literary tradition with a focus on Ursula Le Guin’s A Wizard of Earthsea

January 6, 2024: “Aquarian Humanity” – Clifft Tillotson on the Gupta Vidya tradition

December 30, 2023: “Irreversibility, Eyes to the Stars” – Renée Tillotson (view recording here)

December 23, 2023:  “Opening Doors”

December 16, 2023: “Expansive Generosity” – Dustin Hara on the heroic storytelling tradition, focusing on “It’s a Wonderful Life” with Jimmy Stewart (view recording here)

December 9, 2023: “Protecting Human Freedoms & Rights” – Greg Hatton on John Lewis of the American Civil Rights tradition (view recording here)

December 2, 2023: “The Quest and the Question” – Jeannette Hereniko on the Storyteller Tradition (view recording here)

November 25, 2023: “Keeping Time Wisely” – Walt Weiss from the Progressive Christian Tradition (view recording here)

November 18, 2023: “The Pilgrimage of Humanity” – Reverend Jim Burklo speaking on Developmental Spirituality from the Christian tradition (view recording here)

November 12, 2023: “The Ramayana” – a reenactment of the ancient Hindu epic with performances from the Indian, Hawaiian, Turkish and Latin traditions

November 4, 2023: “The Razor’s Edge” – Bret Shimizu on the tradition of Japanese Acupuncture (view recording here)

October 28, 2023: “Sacred Geometry” with Sarah Hodges on the Classical Art Tradition (view recording here)

October 21, 2023: “The Joy of Devotion” – Mary Bird on the Catholic and Hawaiian Traditions (view recording here)

October 14, 2023: “Self-Determination” – John Powers on the Theosophical Tradition
– view recording here
– view transcript from the presenter here

October 7, 2023: “Training our Body” – Renée Tillotson on the Ancient Greek Tradition (view recording here)

September 30, 2023: “Soldiers of Peace” – Dr. Prakash Tyagi on the Gandhian Tradition in honor of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday (view recording here)

September 23, 2023: “Navigating the Seas” – Nick Beck and Matthew Hawkins on the Nautical Tradition of Oceania from the Education Tradition (view recording here

September 16, 2023: “Dancing in the Rain” – Kevin Capretto on the Tradition of Dance (view recording here)

September 9, 2023: “The Language of the Soul” – Cliff Tillotson on the Theosophical Tradition (view recording here)

September 2, 2023: “Reverence” – Bob Buss on Albert Schweitzer’s Reverence for Life from the Christian tradition (view recording here)

August 26, 2023: “Flowing Like Water” – Kumu Mālia Helelā on the Hawaiian traditions of Hula and Lomilomi (view recording here)

August 19, 2023: “Magnetizing Ourselves” – Jess Bell on the Healing tradition (view recording here)

August 12, 2023: “Training our Mind” – David Sanders on the AI tradition, a mind-bending experience! (view recording here)

August 5, 2023: “Promethean Foresight” – Tony Bonnici on the Zen Tradition (view recording here)

July 29, 2023: “Climbing Mountains” – David Griffith on the rock climbing tradition (view recording here)

July 22, 2023: “The path of Meditation” with Diana Bonnici from the Zen tradition (view recording here)

July 15, 2023: “Head Learning & Soul-Wisdom” – Dr. Veena Howard on the Buddhist and Jain traditions (view recording here)

July 8, 2023: “Learning from the Past into the Future” – Cliff Tillotson on the tradition of History (view recording here)

July 1, 2023 SPECIAL TIME 4-6pm in conjunction with the Institute of World Culture: “A Republic of Conscience” – Cliff Tillotson on and AS Abraham Lincoln from the American idealism traditions.

June 24, 2023: “One Great Human Family” – Nancy Auker on the tradition of world peace (view recording here)

June 17, 2023: “Aquarian Civilization”  – Dr. Jim Tepfer on the Theosophical tradition (view recording here)

June 10, 2023: “Speech & Health” – Dr. Chad Sato on the medical and healing traditions (view recording here)

June 3, 2023: “Training our Emotional Nature” – Carol Ann Deighton on the equine therapy tradition (view recording here)

May 27, 2023″Creators of Beloved Community” – Kilin Reese of the Pacific String Museum on the Hawaiian musical tradition (view recording here)

May 20, 2023: “Energy Custodians”- Dr. Randy Wong from the Tai Chi perspective on Ayurvedic, Macrobiotic, and Taoist concepts (view recording here)

May 13, 2023: “Children of Mother Earth”- Krista Hiser on the tradition of Gaianism (view recording here)

May 6, 2023: “Honoring Wisdom Keepers” – Miku Lenentine on indigenous traditions (view recording here)

April 29, 2023: “The Way of The Bodhisattva”- Bob Buss on the Mahayana Buddhist tradition (view recording here)

April 22, 2023: “Soul Education”- Dr. James Tepfer on the Theosophical tradition (view recording here)

April 15, 2023: “Mental posture”-Anna Morales on the Yoga tradition of Patanjali (view recording here)

April 8, 2023: “Cycle of the Phoenix” by Sarah Hodges on the Mythological tradition (view recording here)

April 1, 2023: “Our Collective Spiritual Odyssey” by Joe Miller on the Theosophical Tradition (view recording here)

March 25, 2022: “The Evolutionary Tide” with Elisabet Sahtouris, evolutionary biologist, on the Scientific – Spiritual tradition of the future (view recording here)

March 18, 2022: “Being Fair, Just, Pono”  with Kumu Malia Helela from the Hawaiian tradition (view recording here)

March 11, 2023: “Harmonious Relationship Builders”- Maurice Bisheff on Mikhail Gorbachev from the tradition of Global Leadership (view recording here)

March 4, 2023: “Planters of Seeds”-Peter LeCompte from Mauna Farm on the agricultural tradition (view recording here)

February 25, 2023: “The Fire of Enthusiasm”- Johanna Schwaiger on Sculpting from the artistic tradition (view recording here)

February 18, 2023: “Our Inward Eye” – Peeyush Kumar on the Shiva-based tradition of Hinduism in celebration of Maha-Shivaratri (view recording here)

February 11, 2023: “The Good Law” – Bob Buss on the Zen Buddhism tradition (view recording here)

February 4, 2023: “Our Inextinguishable Flame” – Ramdas Lamb from the Hindu Tradition (view recording here)

January 28, 2023: “Bridge Builders” – Roger Epstein on the Hermetic tradition (view recording here)

January 21, 2023: “Life in the Body” – Joe Miller on the Theosophical Tradition (view recording here)

January 14, 2023: “The Infinite in the Moment” – Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris on the Evolution Biologist & Futurist on the Scientific tradition (view recording here)

January 7, 2023 “Silence & Serenity”- Jerry Punzal on the spiritual teachings of Nana Veary from the Hawaiian tradition (view recording here)

December 31, 2022: 2023’s theme: CITIZENS OF THE FUTURE

December 24, 2022: Summary of 2022’s Theme of “Being Truly Human”.

December 17, 2022 “True Giving”- Nancy Auker on the Storytelling Tradition (view recording here)

December 10, 2022: “Calmness” – Bruno Ballestrero on the tai chi / qigong perspective (view recording here)

December 3, 2022: “The Circle & the Center” – Efrat Livny on The Circle Way, based on tribal traditions (view recording here)

November 26, 2022: “The Sacred Home” – Tony Bonnici from the Zen Buddhist traditions (view recording here)

November 19, 2022: “Wisdom & Gratitude” – Cliff Tillotson on Abraham Lincoln from the tradition of American Idealism (view recording here)

November 12, 2022: “What Can I Do Without?” – Mildred Yoder on the Mennonite “Plain People” tradition (view recording here)

November 5, 2022: “The Willing Teacher” – Ramdas Lamb on the monastic Hindu tradition (view recording here)

October 29, 2022: “The Eager Student” – Fariba Enteshari on Rumi and Shams from the Sufi tradition (view recording here)

October 22, 2022: “Contentment”- David Sanders on the Yoga tradition of Patajali (view recording here)

October 15, 2022: “The Language of the Soul”- Helena Kerekhazi from the Theosophical tradition (view recording here)

October 8, 2022: “Creativity” – Jeremy Roske on Mimodynamics from theatrical tradition of mime (view recording here)

October 1, 2022: “Sarvodaya: Universal Uplift – But the Least First” for Gandhi’s birthday – Prakash Tyagi on the Gandhian tradition from his Gandhi-based nonprofit serving 1.3 million villagers and laborers In Rajasthan, India. (view recording here)

September 23, 2022: “The Human Miracle of Standing Upright” – Marla Waal from the Somatic Movement traditions, including Eldoa, Franklin Technique, yoga, and conscious dance (view recording here)

September 18, 2022: “Guided by Conscience” – Mary Bird on Hildegard of Bingen from the Christian tradition (view recording here)

September 10, 2022: “The Kwan Yin Pledge”- Renée Tillotson on the Bodhisattva Tradition (view recording here)

September 3, 2022: “Ceaseless Change”- Randy Wong Kai Ming on the Taoist Traditions (view recording here)

August 27, 2022: “The Work of the Hands” – Cliff Tillotson on the tradition of Manual Labor via Shop Class as Soul Craft (view recording here)

Aug 20, 2022: “The indestructible Spark”- John Powers on the Ancient Mystery traditions

August 13, 2022: “The Service of Humanity” – Roger Epstein on the Jewish tradition (view recording here)

August 6, 2022: “The Beacon Light – a Metaphor” – Robert Moore on the Irish Mystic Tradition of George William Russel (view recording here)

July 30, 2022: “The Dance of the Feet” – Valerie Noor Kerima Payton on the Sufi dancing tradition (view recording here)

July 23, 2022: “Exercising Our Minds”- Daniel Godines Alcantar on the Scientific Tradition of Astrology (view recording here)

July 16, 2022: “Friendship in a world of flux”- Mary Anne Magnier on the Quaker tradition (view recording here)

July 9, 2022: “Women & Men of Meditation”- Judi Rich on the Brahma Kumaris tradition (view recording here)

July 2, 2022: “Realizing We Are One” – Carolyn Dorrance on the tradition of World Culture (view recording here)

June 25, 2022: “Recognizing Greatness”- Roger Epstein on the world mythology tradition (view recording here)

June 18: “Yang – the Active” – Randy Wong Kai Ming with Tai Chi perspectives on the Taoist tradition (view recording here)

June 11, 2022: “Aquarian Therapy” – Jonathan Colbert on the traditions of Theosophy and modern psychology (view recording here)

June 4, 2022: “Ideation & Health – Consideration of the Invisible” – Renée Tillotson on the Theosophical tradition (view recording here)

May 28, 2022: “What is Our Purpose?” – Veena Howard on the Jain and Hindu traditions from a Gandhian perspective (view recording here)

May 21, 2022: “Traveling the Path: Eco-Dharma and the Environment: – Bob Buss on the Buddhist tradition (view recording here)

May 14, 2022: “Daring to Strive” – Ramdas Lamb on the Hindu ascetic tradition (view recording here)

May 7, 2022: “Yin – the Receptive” – Randy Wong Kai Ming with Tai Chi perspectives on the Taoist tradition (view recording here)

April 30, 2022: “Who am I Really?” – John Powers from the Theosophical tradition (view recording here)

April 23, 2022: “The Moment of Choice” – Harald Krytinar from the dance tradition (view recording here)

April 16, 2022: “Between Heaven & Earth: Humanity” – Kirk Gradin from the Theosophical tradition (view recording here)

April 9, 2022: “Taking Responsibility” – Franklin Perkins on the Confucian tradition from the perspective of Mengzi (view recording here)

April 2, 2022: “Am I My Emotions?” – Donna Blanchard from the Theatrical tradition (view recording here)

March 26, 2022: “What are Trees to Us?” – Ben Page on Forest Bathing from the Deep Ecology tradition (view recording here)

March 19, 2022: “Our Sense of Humor” – Maurice Bisheff on the Spiritual traditions (view recording here)

March 12, 2022: “Motion and Consciousness” – Alice Boyd on the Feldenkrais standpoint from the Somatic Movement and Neuroscience traditions (view recording here)

March 5, 2022: “Am I My Mind?” – Bob Buss with a response from the Zen Buddhism tradition (view recording here)

February 26, 2022: “Shiva & Self-Regeneration” – Peeyush Kumar on the Kashmiri Hindu Shaivism tradition (view recording here)

February 19, 2022: “Karma as Soul-Education” – Ramdas Lamb on the Hindu tradition (view recording here)

February 12, 2022: “Eternity in Time – Rta: Cosmic Rhythm” – Joss Jaffe on the classical music tradition of India (view recording here)

February 5, 2022: “Self-Transcendence” – Fariba Enteshari on the Sufi tradition of Rumi (view recording here)

January 29, 2022: “Ahimsa – Choosing Not to Harm” – Afriye We-kandodis on the Christian tradition (view recording here)

January 22, 2022: “Am I my Body?” – Carol Ann Deighton on the Western Medical tradition

January 15, 2022: “Deep Viewing, Deep Listening” – Joanne Bland on Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.’s tradition of Non-Violence (view recording here)

January 8, 2022: Space, Visible & Invisible – by Daniel Godinez from the expanded Astronomical tradition (view recording here)

January 1, 2022: “Being Truly Human/Humane” by Robin Shepard on To Kill a Mocking Bird of the Literary tradition (view recording here)

December 26, 2021: “Planting Seeds for the Future” by John Powers, publisher distributing books to prisoners, on the Bodhisattva tradition (view recording here)

December 18, 2021: “Completing a Cycle” by Peeyush Kumar on the Kashmiri Hindu Shaivism tradition (view recording here)

December 11, 2021: “Exceptional Calm” by Ramdas Lamb on the monastic Hindu Vaishnavism tradition (view recording here)

December 4, 2021: “Deep Listening” by Bob Buss on the Buddhist tradition (view recording here)

November 27, 2021: “Is Everything Alive – Life Atoms” – Renée Tillotson on the Theosophical tradition (view recording here)

November 20, 2021: “Gandhi’s Prayer Meetings” by Prakash Tiagi on the Gandhian tradition (view redording here)

November 13, 2021:  “On the Battlefield” by Colonel Debra Lewis on the military tradition, constructively dealing with stress. (view recording here)

November 6, 2021: “The Rebirth of Humanity” by Joe Miller on the poetic tradition (view recording here)

October 30, 2021: “Seeking the Light” by Truth Collins, as a lighting specialist, on the Theosophical tradition

October 23, 2021: “A Whole World View” by Carolyn Dorrance on the founding vision behind the United Nations (view recording here)

October 16, 2021: “Creation & Responsibility” by Mālia Helelā on the Hawaiian tradition (view recording here)

October 9, 2021: “Rediscovering America” by Cliff Tillotson on the Tradition of American Idealism (view recording here)

October 2, 2021: “Health & Non-Violence” by Winalee Zeeb on the Healing traditions (view recording here)

September 25, 2021: “Time for Nature to Speak” by Brynn Foster on the Indigenous farming tradition (view recording here)

September 18, 2021: “Tuning into a Higher Vibration” by Joss Jaffe on the Indian Music tradition (view recording here)

September 11, 2021: “Obstacles & Creativity” by Apsara Hanagandi on the mythology of “Ganesh” from Hindu tradition (view recording here)

September 4, 2021: “Work & Workshop” by Joseph Miller on the Hindu tradition of the Bhagavad Gita (view recording here)

August 28, 2021: “Chop Wood, Carry Water” by Blayne Higa from the Shin Buddhist tradition (view recording here)

August 21, 2021: “The Spirit of Sacrifice” by Sooriya Kumar on the Hindu tradition, speaking about his father with Cliff Tillotson (view recording here)

Aug 14, 2021: “Earning Our Freedom” by Robert Merce on the Legal Justice tradition (view recording here)

Aug 7, 2021: “The Power To Help the Homeless” by Blanche McMilan on the Hawiian tradition (view recording here)

July 31, 2021: “Hero with a Thousand Faces” by Roger Epstein on Joseph Campbell from the mythic traditions (view recording here)

July 24, 2021: “Taking Stock of the Day” by Sarah Hodges on the Irish mystic tradition (view recording here)

July 17, 2021: “Aquarian Individuation” by John  Powers from the Theosophical tradition (view recording here)

July 10, 2021: “Spiritual Progress: Allowing Seeds to Sprout” by Katharine Harts on the Christian mystic tradition (view the recording)

July 3, 2021: “A New Order of the Ages: Novus Ordo Seclorum” by Maurice Bisheff on the American Revolutionary tradition (view the recording)

June 26, 2021: “Encountering the Dark” by Charles Wei and Johanna Schwaiger on the Falun Gong practice derived from the Buddhist & Taoist traditions (view the recording)

June 19, 2021: “A ‘Father’s’ Example – Saint John of the Cross” by Mary Bird on the Catholic Tradition (view the recording)

June 12, 2021: “Repentance & Karma” by Janine Oshiro from the storytelling tradition (view the recording)

June 5, 2021: “Silence & Soul Memory” by Kirk Gradin on the Buddha Enlightenment Vision from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition (view the recording)

May 29, 2021: “Dissolving Boundaries” by Frank Jackson on the photographic tradition (view the recording)

May 22, 2021: “Producing a Permanent Change” by Uwe Mester on the Feldenkrais® Method from the Somatic Movement Tradition (view the recording)

May 15, 2021: “The Body Electric” by Robert Moore from the classical scientific tradition (view the recording)

May 8, 2021: “Rebirthing Ourselves, Again & Again” by Cliff Tillotson on Plato’s “Myth of Er” from the Ancient Greek tradition (view the recording)

May 1, 2021: “Those Who have Gone Before” by Judy Saltzman on Helena Blavatsky of the Theosophical tradition (view the recording)

April 24, 2021: “Service with a Glad Heart” by Maurice Bisheff on Hanuman of the Hindu tradition (view the recording)

April 17, 2021: “Our Role as Human Beings on Earth” by Miku Lenentine on the Saanich North American tribal tradition (view the recording)

April 10, 2021: “Islam Means Surrender” by Fariba Entishari on the Sufi tradition (view the recording)

April 3, 2021: “There Ariseth Light in the Darkness” by John Love on the early Christian tradition (view the recording)

March 27, 2021: “Seeing our Way Through” by Greg Hatton on the photographic and cinematographic perspective (View the recording)

March 20, 2021: “Jamming and Riffing” by Paul Izak on the Music tradition (view the recording)

March 13, 2021: “Curving Space / Carving Space” by Kim Miller on the Scientific tradition of Einstein (View the recording)

March 6, 2021: “Dancing to Life’s Music” by Eddie Oroyan on the Dance tradition (View the recording)

February 27, 2021: “Crafting our Speech” by Myrtle Wong on the Non-Violent Communication perspective from Eastern traditions of Non-Violence (View the recording)

February 20, 2021: “The Willing Apprentice” by Neelanthi Vadivel on the Dance tradition (View the recording)

February 13, 2021: “The Pilgrim’s Progress” by Nikki Johnson on the Christian tradition (View the recording)

February 6, 2021: “Awakening Potential” by Lani Kwon on the Humanist psychology tradition (View the recording)

January 30, 2021: “Thought Before Form” by Sarah Hodges on the Literary tradition

January 23. 2021: “Entering Sacred Space” by Miku Lenentine on the Anishinaabe tribe of the Native American tradition (View the recording)

January 16. 2021: “Facing our Fear” by Ram Das Lamb (View the recording)

January 9. 2021: “The Empty Page” by Janine Oshiro on the Literary (View the recording)

January 2, 2021: “Consecrating our Work” by Maliā Helelā on the Hawaiian (View the recording) tradition

December 26, 2020: “Self Crafting” by Renée Tillotson on the Theosophical tradition & Evolutionary perspective (View the recording)

December 19, 2020: “Unconditional Love” by Mary Bird on the Catholic tradition as exemplified by Father Damien (View the recording)

December 12, 2020: “Beneficent Sleep” by Manoj Chalam on the Vedanta tradition of Hinduism (View the recording)

December 5, 2020: “Selfless Service” by Franklin Perkins on the Confucian tradition from the perspective of Mengzi (View the recording)

November 28, 2020: “Right Meditation” by Kirk Gradin on the Bodhisattva Path of the Theosophical tradition (View the recording)

November 21, 2020: “The Guardian Wall” by Donna Moore on the Mahayana Tibetan Buddhist tradition (View the recording)

November 14, 2020: **Diwali Celebration** 4:30 – 7:00pm. Join us for this celebration of Light! (View the recording)

November 7, 2020: “Preparation for Death” – Cliff Tillotson on the neo-platonic tradition (View the recording)

October 31, 2020: “Behind Thine & Mine: the Bhoodan Land Gifting” – Sarah Hodges on the Gandhian tradition (View the recording)

October 24, 2020: “Right Mindfulness” – Renée Tillotson on the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of Pema Chödrön (View the recording)

October 17, 2020: “Irreversible Resolve” – Dr. Mark Morisaki on the Western Medical tradition (View the recording)

October 10, 2020: “Becoming Wholly Reliable” – Maurice Bisheff on the American Transcendental tradition of Emerson (View the recording)

October 3, 2020: “All Men are Brothers” – Cliff Tillotson on the interfaith tradition of Mahatma Gandhi (View the recording)

September 26, 2020: “Right Effort” – Tony Bonnici on the Zen Buddhist tradition (View the recording)

September 19, 2020: “Progressive Self-Awakening” – Fariba Enteshari on the Sufi tradition of Rumi (View the recording)

September 12, 2020: “The Bridge Connecting Heaven and Earth” – Elton Hall on the Theosophical tradition (View the recording)

September 5, 2020: “Vanquishing Victimism” – Ramdas Lamb on the Hindu ascetic tradition (View the recording)

Aug 29, 2020: “Right Livelihood” – Jonathan Colbert on the Theosophical Tradition (View the recording)

Aug 22, 2020: “Why Obstacles?” – Renée Tillotson on the Hindu mythological tradition of Ganesh (View the recording)

August 15, 2020: “Casting No Blame” – Katharine Harts on the Christian mystic tradition (View the recording)

August 1, 2020: “Are We our Brothers’ and Sisters’ Keepers?” – Joe Miller on the Christian mystic tradition (View the recording)

July 25, 2020: “Right Action” – Debbie Rosas from the Nia perspective (View the recording)

July 18, 2020: “One-Pointed Focus” – David Sanders on the Hindu yogic tradition (View the recording)

July 11, 2020: “Egotism and Compassion” – Robin Fujikawa on the Dōgen tradition of Buddhism (View the recording)

July 4, 2020: “Spiritual Democracy” – Maurice Bisheff on the Native American and American Revolutionary traditions (View the recording)

June 27, 2020: “In the Language there is Life: I ka ʻŌlelo no ke Ola” – Mālia Helelā on the Hawaiian tradition (View the recording)

June 20, 2020: “The Vision of Prometheus” – Jim Tepfer on the Ancient Greek tradition (View the recording)

June 13, 2020: “Self-Mastery and Freedom” – Veena Howard on the Gandhian perspective of the Hindu tradition (View the recording)

June 6, 2020: “Development of the Neuro-Muscular-Skeletal System” – Rachel Klein on the scientific perspective and healing traditions

May 30, 2020: “Right Intention” – Reverend Blayne Higa on the Jodo Shin Buddhist tradition (View the recording)

May 23, 2020: “Beyond Pleasure & Pain” – Cliff Tillotson on the the Bhagavad Gita perspective of the Hindu tradition (View the recording)

May 16, 2020: “Right View – Inner and Outer Perspectives” – Christopher Edwards on the sculpting tradition (View the recording)

May 9, 2020: Honoring the Behest of the Divine – Mary Bird on the Catholic tradition (View the recording)

May 2, 2020: “The Buddha’s Search to End Suffering” – Kirk Gradin on the Buddhist tradition (View the recording)

April 25, 2020: The Value of the Pause in Classical Indian Music – Joss Jaffe on the classical Indian music tradition

April 18, 2020: Re-becoming People of Place: Caring for our Earth and All Beings – Miku Lenentine on the Native American Tradition

April 11, 2020: Pythagoras on Meditation, the Heroic Ideal and Self-discovery – Jim Tepfer on the ancient Greek tradition

Renée Tillotson

Renée Tillotson, Director, founded Still & Moving Center to share mindful moving as well as still arts from around the globe. Her inspiration comes from the Joy and moving meditation she experiences in the practice of Nia, and from the lifelong learning she’s gained at the Institute of World Culture in Santa Barbara, California. Still & Moving Center aspires to serve the community, support the Earth and its creatures, and always be filled with laughter and friendship!

Engaged in an earnest, life-long spiritual quest, Renée assembles the Still & Moving Center Almanac each year, filled with inspirational quotes by everyone from the Dalai Lama to Dolly Parton. She loves taking part in conversations that merge philosophical, spiritual and scientific thought with a lifestyle of compassion. She considers herself a citizen of the world.

Renée has been moving and sharing Nia since 2002. She took all of her Nia intensive trainings at Nia International Headquarters from the co-creators of Nia: Debbie Rosas and Carlos Rosas. Enthusiasm fills every class and event Renée leads.

A second degree Nia Black Belt, Renée says, “Through Nia I realized that I was born to dance…and perhaps everyone is! Nia connects me to pure Joy. I aspire to extend that Joy into the rest of my life and share it with every student who steps into my circle. Nia embraces both the yin and yang energies, helping all of us to balance our natures. Nia serves as a moving meditation for me, as well as a chance to play like a child again! I like to think of my classes as invigorating the body and elevating the spirit.”

The motto: ‘Move your body. Still your mind. Find center. Find Joy!” motivates her daily life.

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