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Inspiration is the place where Joy and motivation meet. The place where something kindles within us and we are changed by it, be it in thought or in action. At Still & Moving Center we look for on-going inspiration everywhere and when we find it, we share it with our community.

A mindful movement practice becomes incredibly useful in recognizing inspiration when we find it.  It helps us keep ourselves attentive and aware to the moment’s possibility. We practice with open hearts and open minds… ready to hear, to sense, to feel that spark of insight, that tickle of a connection made in an instant.

We find inspiration from the past and those who came before us, as well. In reading and discussing the world’s great wisdom traditions, from poems and pledges to sutras and scriptures. A natural outgrowth of this inspiration had been the annual curation of the Still & Moving Center Almanac. 

We find inspiration in our environment. We are lucky to live in a place where connecting to Nature is often as easy as stepping outside. We can also find practical and deeply felt inspiration in the way Hawaiian culture interprets our relationship with Nature, flowing around us and through us.

And finally, we find ongoing inspiration in the people we share this journey with. Our teachers, our staff, our students and allies in the community provide daily examples of courage, intelligence, generosity, and living in alignment with values.

We, in turn, provide touch points to what we have found along the way. In sharing our inspirations with you, the cycle continues.

At the Still Point

At the still point of the turning world.
Neither flesh nor fleshless;

Neither from nor towards;
At the still point, there the dance is,

But neither arrest nor movement.
And do not call it fixity,

Where past and future are gathered.
Neither movement from nor towards,

Neither ascent nor decline.
Except for the point, the still point,

There would be no dance,
And there is only the dance.

By t. s. eliot
From The Four Quartets

Kwan Yin Pledge

Never will I seek nor receive
private, individual salvation;
never will I enter
into final peace alone;
but forever and everywhere
will I live
and strive for the redemption
of every creature
throughout the world
from the bonds
of conditioned existence.

At the Still Point

At the still point of the turning world.
Neither flesh nor fleshless;

Neither from nor towards;
At the still point, there the dance is,

But neither arrest nor movement.
And do not call it fixity,

Where past and future are gathered.
Neither movement from nor towards,

Neither ascent nor decline.
Except for the point, the still point,

There would be no dance,
And there is only the dance.

By t. s. eliot
From The Four Quartets

Kwan Yin Pledge

Never will I seek nor receive
private, individual salvation;
never will I enter
into final peace alone;
but forever and everywhere
will I live
and strive for the redemption
of every creature
throughout the world
from the bonds
of conditioned existence.

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