Feldenkrais Method®
Online Feldenkrais Classes & Workshops in Hawaii. Feldenkrais classes, workshops & private sessions can reduce pain and improve your life. Join us at Still & Moving Center!
Since Still & Moving Center opened, people have thanked us for providing Feldenkrais® classes, workshops, and private sessions, both online and in person in Hawaii. Says Director Renée Tillotson, “Until I found Feldenkrais, I did not realize that I could live without the daily back pain I had experienced for years.” Whether you are experiencing chronic or acute pain, or whether you are a healthy individual wishing to live with greater awareness and ease, you can benefit from our Feldenkrais® classes, workshops, and private sessions. Our experienced, certified Feldenkrais teachers meet you wherever you are on your journey.
Through this revolutionary practice developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, you can rediscover your innate capacity for effortless, organic, efficient, and graceful movement. Based on a sophisticated understanding of the human nervous system, the Feldenkrais Method® helps people to continuously improve their functioning in all areas of life. Dr. Feldenkrais, by the way, was a pioneer of what we now call neuroplasticity.
In our in person and online Feldenkrais® classes, workshops or private sessions, you move through a sequence of gentle, guided movements, learning the way that babies learn: through exploring movement and sensing your body from the inside first. As you increase body awareness and improve flexibility, coordination, and balance, you can also find more comfort, harmony, and joy in other aspects of your life.
You can take Feldenkrais® as a group class (called ATM – Awareness Through Movement®) or as a private Functional Integration® session with one of our skilled Feldenkrais® practitioners – either in person or online.
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