
Hawaii Acupuncture & Alternative Medicine Therapy. Still & Moving can help you maintain your overall health with alternative medicine therapies like acupuncture.
Acupuncture, an Asian form of holistic healing that’s been around for more than 2,500 years, can provide amazing benefits in the hands of a skilled, knowledgeable practitioner. Acupuncture has been used to treat a variety of ailments, including pain, migraines, depression, allergies, respiratory problems, and even morning sickness. This ancient Chinese practice works by triggering nerve-dense areas beneath the skin with fine needles to influence a variety of bodily functions. Some needles are almost as thin as a human hair. The vast majority of people who try alternative medicine therapy from Still & Moving Center in Hawaii, like acupuncture, do not experience pain, and instead, experience relief from pain.
The philosophy behind acupuncture is based on an ancient Chinese concept called qi, a life-giving force that pervades our bodies, its flow affecting our mental and physical well-being. When we are at peace and our qi is well-balanced, we enjoy good health. Stress, anxiety, and physical ailments correspond to qi that is blocked, weak, erratic or otherwise out of balance.
A doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine or a Licensed Acupuncturist will seek to enhance and balance the body’s flow of qi, which they can sense pulsing through the body’s vital organs. In addition to acupuncture, they may suggest foods, exercises, sleep advice, and other life-style adjustments to augment your health.
At Still & Moving Center in Hawaii, we offer acupuncture and alternative medicine therapy to help our members maintain overall health and well-being. If you are experiencing chronic pain or allergy symptoms, feeling off balance, or suffering other ailments, make an appointment with our highly experienced, licensed acupuncture therapists in Hawaii today. We are here for you to find center and find joy!
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