Online Private Feldenkrais Sessions & Feldenkrais Functional Integration® Bodywork
60 minutes: $115
75 minutes: $135
90 minutes:$150
Feldenkrais Private Sessions Online
Private Feldenkrais sessions available in person or Online. Private instruction is a great introduction to the practice as well as a way to deepen your existing understanding of this deeply mindful modality.
Feldenkrais Functional Integration®
Hands-on Feldenkrais® sessions are known as Functional Integration® (FI®) lessons. Eva’s hands inform your nervous system at a deep level on how to regenerate, heal and apply better movement habits to prevent and undo injury. FI® is very elegant, gentle hands-on work that not only reaches connective tissue and muscles, but talks to the your nervous system in a very calming and safe way. In this manner FI® TEACHES your system instead of merely treating your symptoms.
This special touch effectively releases tension, reconnects and corrects movement patterns. It often seems like magic and feels very liberating and en-light-ening! Functional Integration® is painless, effective and widely recognized for its ability to successfully address serious muscular-skeletal and neurological problems.
Functional Integration® (FI®) lessons can help:
• Heal old injuries faster and prevent new injuries
• Successfully address neurological problems
• Rid yourself of back & neck pain
• Deal with TMJ and ringing in the ears
• Approach joint issues to prevent surgery
• Address overuse or disfunctional use of the body in motion and at rest
• Grow and mature in remarkable, unforeseen ways.
Posture & “Acture” Coaching
30 min session: $ 60
Interested in improving both your standing posture and your posture in motion? Half an hour with Eva may set you on the right road to lengthening your spine, releasing imbalances and claiming your height. “Acture” is a term that Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais coined as he observed that good posture is dynamic and needs to be constantly adjusted to the situation. It’s not simply a matter of “fixing” you, or getting you to stiffly stand up straight like a soldier at attention. Eva helps you to find the most effective way to carry yourself while in motion. Using optimal posture in action, “Acture”, leads to the success of an intended action.
In her 40 years of experience with movement – as a professional dancer, martial artist, Feldenkrais teacher and therapist – Eva has developed a keen eye and a clear method to improve people’s standing posture as well as their posture in action, “acture”.
She has coached thousands of people to perform better and overcome limitations: from musicians, dancers and athletes, to people with special needs and injuries. Eva also carries in her bag of skills the knowledge of methods – such as The Work, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Shamanic Journeying, Body-Mind Centering (BMC) and IO Healing – that she applies when appropriate to help her clients to overcome limitations.
Wellness Coaching
1 hour session: $105
Eva’s wellness coaching seeks to integrate Body, Mind and Soul. In addition to applying Feldenkrais principles to the body, brain and nervous system, Eva also guides people in journey work. She helps to change hindering mental and emotional patterns with methods from The Work and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). She has broad knowledge in nutrition as well as alternative remedies.
In addition to her Movement background as a Feldenkrais practitioner, Qigong teacher, Martial Artist and dancer/choreographer she is a sun dancer and leads Native American rituals.

Eva Alewa Geueke
Eva Alewa Geueke has been a guild certified Feldenkrais® practitioner for almost 30 years. She came to the Feldenkrais Method® as a young professional dancer and it changed her understanding of brain, body, movement and therefore, herself forever.
Since completing the 4-year Professional Feldenkrais Training in 1987 she has been teaching the Feldenkrais Method® internationally in thousands of private sessions, week long seminars, many hundreds of week-end workshops and evening classes.
Eva is also a teacher of Contemporary Dance, Qigong-Universal Tao of Mantak Chia, a IAO healer, a Capoeirista (Brazilian Martial Arts) and a choreographer. She also teaches Authentic Movement and Wave Continuum, a spin of Continuum Movement.

I have taken 2 workshops with Eva and she is a wonderful instructor/therapist. These classes are very informative and have helped me tremendously in my knowledge of body mechanics and movement and making healing connections in my body. – Ruth
I loved Eva’s Feldenkrais class! My shoulder felt stiff and sore for almost a month. With just a few simple and gentle movements it was feeling so much better! My spine was stretched out and my feet were more evenly holding my body weight. I plan to take more classes in near future. Thank you Eva. You are Excellent!!! – Diane
I like the variety of classes offered, and the Center’s focus on the mind-body-spirit connection. I particularly enjoy Eva Geueke’s Feldenkrais classes. The facilities are beautiful, and everyone is so warm and welcoming to students and guests. – John
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