Sundays, 8:00 – 9:00 am HST
July 31- Aug 28, 2022

Miku Lenentine
Miku is deeply passionate about living in harmony with the self, others and all beings. She truly believes that each one of us contains the seeds of wisdom for the universe and the true purpose of being a teacher is to help guide each person to access the wisdom they already hold within themselves.
An experienced meditation practitioner and circle facilitator, Miku was raised in a mindfulness tradition and has trained with Dr. Eric Carroll at the Center for Vibrant Living for the past 10 years. She has guided weekly meditation, movement, and community dialogue circles since 2013 and facilitated a number of workshops in the greater Seattle area over the years most recently including Soulshine, Songaia, and Star Community. She has also presented mindfulness, yoga, and movement offerings at festivals and gatherings such as Beloved, Flowstate and the Northwest Permaculture Convergence.
Miku is delighted to have moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, which she finds strangely similar to her birthplace, Alaska.
Dr Peeyush Kumar
Dr Peeyush Kumar is an entrepreneur, scientist and community builder. Peeyush is a student & educator of love consciousness taught in the lineage of Raja Yoga, Advaita Vedanta & Modern Esoteric Wisdom Teachings. He also holds a Ph.D. in Science & Engineering and utilizes that knowledge for building better systems & processes which are embedded into our daily lives such as food, energy & healthcare systems. His work is devoted to service in bringing integration at various levels of human organization – individual, interpersonal, communal and collective in harmony with All relations, where we feel protected, vitalised and invited to play, grow and co-create – for our future, our Terra Nova
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