Tuesdays, 5:45pm – Aerial: Open Gym
Prerequisite: Aerial Dance Mixed Levels: Lyra and Silks and instructor permission.
This class is designed for students who are able to get on and off the lyra without a spotter and who on silks have knowledge of climbing, foot locks, and balance work in the knot. The class is mainly self-led, allowing the students a space in which they can work on new material, refine their technique, under the guidance of an expert aerialist in a safe nurturing environment.
[btn url=”https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=16512&stype=-7&sTG=35&sView=day&sLoc=0&sTrn=100000452″ style=”btn-info”]Sign up now! [/btn]
Wednesdays 5:45pm – Aerial Dance Mixed Levels: Lyra and Silks
Experience the thrill of applying your skill in the air to different aerial disciplines. In this class, you will practice your skills on various apparatus such as Straight Silks, Hammock, Lyra, as well as in floor exercises and stretching. Learn techniques and strength-building exercises that are relevant to all aerial mediums. As you transfer your skills from one apparatus to another, you discover similarities and differences, as well as where you feel most at home.
Aerial apparatus cross-training improves core control, grip strength, and upper body strength. Note: it takes more than one class to feel these benefits! Enjoy a fabulous, unique workout with restful, rejuvenating closure.
[btn url=”https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=16512&stype=-7&sTG=35&sView=day&sLoc=0&sTrn=100000452″ style=”btn-info”]Sign up now! [/btn]
Kindly let your instructor know of any injuries. Contra-indications for aerial classes: glaucoma, heart-conditions, fused spine, pregnancy beyond doctor recommendation. Clothing requirements: tight-fitting; no zippers or metal; under-arms covered. No jewelry.
Please pre-register for all aerial classes at least half an hour in advance and arrive 5 minutes early to ensure you can safely enjoy the class. Since space is limited and setup time is necessary, we are not able to accommodate late arrivals to Aerial classes.
Equipment will be handled/sanitized per COVID standards.

Andrea Torres
Enjoy the the calm confidence you receive from working with a teacher with decades of experience cultivating students from newbie beginner level to professional performance status in the aerial arts. Andrea Torres has pioneered aerial dance in Hawai’i and has been described as being one of the islands’ most breathtaking performers. She’s also an outstanding teacher. The sign of a master teacher is her ability to unpack otherwise complex movements so that even a new student can grasp it – Andrea makes magic possible for her students.
Her journey started at age 10 in her native Brazil, where she took her first ballet class and went to to earn a full scholarship in Ballet, Jazz, Modern, and Contemporary Dance. She performed around Brazil in Waikiki and in Reno, Los Angeles and on cruise ships throughout the Hawaiian Islands. After landing a role in the Maui production of “Ulalena,” Andrea was sent to Montreal to learn basic aerial skills, then became a featured original cast member.
In 2004, she co-founded Samadhi Hawai’i as the islands’ only aerial acrobatic performance troupe. After relocating to Oahu, Andrea has grown Samadhi’s students into the top Cirque-style performers in Hawaii.
Andrea’s aerial work has appeared with Iona Contemporary Dance Theatre, Tau Dance Theatre, Sonny Ching’s Halau Na Mamo o Pu’uanahulu in Hawai’i and Japan, I ka Wa Kahiko-Haleakala Productions, Honua’ula Luau at Maui Marriott Wailea, and at many other local events. A highlight in her career was performing aerial dance for the first time at NaHoku Hanohano Awards (the Hawaiian Grammy’s) with Nohelani Cypriano.
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