Online & In-studio Livestream
Wednesday 3:00 – 4:15 pm HST/ Thurs 10:00-11:15 am JST
(日本時間:木曜日10:00-11:15 am)
English/Japanese Bilingual Class
Focusing on our breath we will move through various joint warm-ups and introduce movements that are based in yoga, qigong, Gyrotonic and mobility exercises.
By releasing tension held in the fascia, you will also be hydrating and conditioning your fascial system, expanding your range of motion, and stimulating the circulation of blood flow and energy. Twisting and wringing out, “spiraling the body,” promotes detoxification of tissues and organs and the burning of excess fat.
Through spiral and fascial awareness, you can create fluidity and freedom in your body and move in a fashion that is aligned with your body’s organic flow.
May we release stored stresses and tensions from our bodies in a most joyous and fun way!
The spiral is an innate language of movement that governs our natural world.
It can be found in all forms of life from DNA, to seashells, snails, the way plants grow and blossom, how water flows down a drain, how galaxies move, and how Kundalini energy rises.
As we are born into this world, we come out of our Mother’s womb twisting and spiraling into existence. Such spiraling motions are an instinctive way for us humans to move; yet modern beings have come to move in mostly a linear fashion.
Fascia is a thin band or sheet of connective tissue that holds together our bones, coats the muscles & muscle bundles, and wraps even our organs. Fascia is also sometimes called our soft skeleton that supports our body and covers it like a wetsuit. It has a three-dimensional structure that interconnects to all of our systems from the surface to the deepest layers.
Fascia is made up primarily of collagen fibers and can contain up to 85% water. It is also a giant sensory organ that stores all kinds of memories. Past experiences, emotions, stresses, worries, and daily living habits get stored in our fascia as patterns.
I look forward to sharing moments of embodiment with you all that are both nourishing and enlivening!
Please, have 2 Tennis or massage balls (tennis ball size & not too soft) available for class.

Asa Kubiak エイサ・クビアック
Asa is internationally active as an aerial arts & movement coach, yoga teacher, multidisciplinary performance artist, and Reiki master who works in both English and Japanese. Her unique approach to movement integrates the many years of her personal experience as a competitive athlete, world-class performer, yoga practitioner, and coach.
In her work, she hopes to share the wonders, joy and the healing nature of self-expression through mindful movement; and to facilitate opportunities for people to connect to their authentic self.
Born in the United States and raised in Kyoto, Japan, Asa is bilingual in English and Japanese and speaks conversational French.
Asa is now a certified instructor in Vinyasa Yoga and AirYogalates and a Reiki Master. She currently teaches fascial-based movement and yoga. She offers classes, workshops and sessions both in person and online. She is also available for creative projects as a performance artist, coach and English/Japanese translator/interpreter.
- Joined Cirque du Soleil’s touring show “Quidam”
- Joined Cirque du Soleil’s touring show “Corteo”
- 2014 Retired from the stage- Asa began to delve deeper into the inner realms of the human body, mind and soul connection dedicating her time to studying yoga, meditation, mindfulness and various healing modalities whilst coaching and performing internationally.
ヴィンヤサ・ヨガとエアヨガラティスの認定インストラクター、レイキ・マスターとしても認定されています。現在は筋膜ベースのムーブメントとヨガを教え、クラス、ワークショップ、セッションは対面型とオンラインの両方で提供。 パフォーマンス・アーティスト、コーチ、英・日翻訳/通訳など幅広い分野でのクリエイティブなプロジェクトで活躍中。
シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユのツアーショー QUIDAM VICE VERSA で1000 回以上のショーに出演。
シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユのツアーショー CORTEO LUSTRE に出演し2度目のワールドツアーに参加。
2014年 CORTEO を引退し、世界各地でコーチングやパフォーマンスを行いながら、ヨガ、瞑想、マインドフルネス、さまざまなヒーリング様式を学び、人間の身体、心、スピリットのつながり、そして人間の内なる領域を探究し始める。
“It was such a joy to discover Asa’s teaching in March when she started teaching a series of lessons in Kyoto. She brings her unique professional performance experience to every teaching moment, guiding us to be aware of our own feelings and sensations. Her soothing voice conveys the detailed instructions one expects in a yoga lesson, flawlessly switching back and forth between English and Japanese. Asa uses metaphors and words of intention that have helped deliver me into a transformative body-mind space where I can discover and express feelings that have lain dormant. I started practicing yoga in 1980 after suffering a knee injury from dance training, and feel fortunate to have found a yoga teacher who is an inspiration and a true master.” – Richard Hodge, USA/ Japan
“It was a wonderful class, and everyone enjoyed it very much. The natural flow of Asa’s English and Japanese was wonderful. Everyone was amazed at her way of using beautiful words. It was so healing! I really like how she brings awareness to spiral movements and understands the importance of working on fascia. I’m really looking forward to attending more of Asa’s classes.”
– Eriko
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