Tues, October 25, 2022:
12 noon HST = 3pm PDT= 6pm EDT = 7am Sep 8 Japan = 8am Sep 8 Australia
Thurs, December 1, 2022
10am HST = 12pm PST = 3pm EST
$99 for two
Cost can be applied toward future payment of Academy of Mindful Movement Training Level 1
You have amazing body discoveries that you already teach to your movers, students, athletes. Now, imagine using a Mindfulness technique that allows your movers to make that discovery for themselves! That’s what Cause & Effect Coaching does.
All of sudden, you’re inviting them to find in their own bodies that effective, safe way of moving. When they find that move, that position, for themselves, they GET it. Their mind understands it and their body knows how to do it. They are thrilled, and YOU are thrilled for them. Cause & Effect Coaching.
This two hour workshop will teach you – as an instructor or coach -how to use Cause & Effect Coaching with your movers. You might not realize that you are an inventor within your movement discipline! In this workshop, you’ll learn to recognize the many body discoveries you’ve made and how to transform those discoveries into Cause & Effect Coaching.
Then bring that excitement “home” to your movers. They’ll love it, and you’ll love having this new technique in your teaching toolkit!
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