By Renee Tillotson
Happiness U is a one-of-a-kind educational establishment, with the mission to teach that which we did not learn in a traditional classroom, on how to live a heart-centered, meaning-filled life. Founder and Chief Happiness Officer, Alice Inoue, helps both companies and individuals develop positive mindsets in order to live more inspired in both their professional and private lives. She and many other practitioners of positivity offer classes both online and at their SALT at Our Kaka`ako location in Honolulu. Alice says our own Mark Morisaki’s balloon art workshop has been one of the the all-time favorites!
Alice Inoue founded Happiness University in 2013. She is an expert life guide and author of seven nationally award-winning books on life wisdom, self-growth, and happiness.
Even if you haven’t met Alice, you may have benefited from her advice in the Star Advertiser’s column “Go Ask Alice,” offering pertinent weekly life guidance. In the Hawai`i Renovation section, she answers questions relating to homes and feng shui. She also authors the “A Mindful Moment” column in MidWeek as well as a column called, “Positively Young” for readers to change their mindset to joyful aging.

More than a decade ago, after having a successful media career, Alice took an unexpected turn towards following her inner guidance and a long-standing interest in spirituality: she became an ordained minister. She entered rigorous self-study, as well as intensive studies with respected masters of feng shui and astrology.
Alice has advised thousands of people worldwide as an astrologer and “life guide.” She has officiated close to 900 wedding ceremonies. Her many published books guide readers towards empowerment and gaining a new perspective in their lives. She privately offered her feng shui expertise to hundreds of homes and businesses in all parts of the world before retiring from that field to open Happiness U.
Still & Moving Center finds itself closely aligned with the mission of Happiness University to promote the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of life, with the focus on personal growth, self-development, and finding meaning in life. We are therefore collaborating with a Dual Discount: Happiness U members receive a $21/month discount off our Golden Circle membership, and our members receive at $21/month discount off Happiness U membership. That’s $42 a month of savings to belong to two fabulous, complementary places for claiming your magnificence!
Salt at Our Kaka‘ako
675 Auahi Street, Suite E3-205
Honolulu, HI, 96813
(808) 436-6444

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