Lei of Love Song
May this lei of love
We have gathered here
Spread its wings and fly
Very far, very near
From the depths of our heart
To the farthest star
May Aloha be with you
May Aloha be with you
With Gratitude,
8 Weeks of Compassion and Loving Kindness from Around the World
Sundays, 8:00 – 9:00 am HST
February 27 to April 10, 2022
Please note that the time of day will change to an hour later for you on March 13th if your time-zone goes into daylight savings, which Hawaii does not. In California, for example, the Meditation time will change from 10 am to 11 am.
+ With bonus recorded meditation April 17, 2022
Lei of Love Meditation Series
8 Weeks of Compassion and Loving Kindness from Around the World
Welcome to Love! We are moving from the dawning of Spring and the first New Moon of the Lunar New Year into the Spring Equinox, where the seeds that were sown in the dream time of Winter are starting to germinate and grow beneath the softly melting snows in colder climates. In Hawaii, the Ohia Lehua and Plumeria trees are blossoming as we prepare to celebrate the sweet fragrance of aloha with ʻŌhiʻa Lehua Day (April 15).
These heart meditations blossom in the season of Love, of the Beloved, and of Ahimsa, Non-Violence. In honor of one of our beloved teachers, the late Thich Nhat Hanh, let us open up the doors of compassion across this special 8-week series of loving-kindness practices from around the world. Each modality contributes to a beautiful Lei of Love that we can share together.
All are welcome! This practice is designed for all levels of experience.
February 28: The Six Earth Touchings Practice from the Buddhist tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh
March 6: Ahimsa & The Season of Non-Violence, honoring Mahatma Gandhi and Reverend Martin Luther King. Jr.
March 13: Kwan Yin Compassion Meditation from the Asian tradition [time will shift an hour later this day if you go into Daylight Savings]
March 20: Oli Aloha Loving Welcome Meditation from the Hawaiian tradition
March 27: Meta Loving-Kindness Meditation from the Buddhist tradition
April 3: The Sound of the Beloved from the Rumi Tradition, Miku joined by Dr. Fariba Enteshari
April 10: Fountain of Love from the Irish Celtic tradition of John O’Donohue
April 17 Bonus: Recorded* Meditation with the Song of Love and the Story of Tem Eyos Ki, from the Saanich tradition of Southern Vancouver Island
* You can attend the live meditation on Tuesday, April 12th, 4:30-5:30 pm HST at Miku’s Kwan Yin Meditation, at which the recording will be made for April 17th.
Miku Lenentine
Miku is deeply passionate about living in harmony with the self, others and all beings. She truly believes that each one of us contains the seeds of wisdom for the universe and the true purpose of being a teacher is to help guide each person to access the wisdom they already hold within themselves.
An experienced meditation practitioner and circle facilitator, Miku was raised in a mindfulness tradition and has trained with Dr. Eric Carroll at the Center for Vibrant Living for the past 10 years. She has guided weekly meditation, movement, and community dialogue circles since 2013 and facilitated a number of workshops in the greater Seattle area over the years most recently including Soulshine, Songaia, and Star Community. She has also presented mindfulness, yoga, and movement offerings at festivals and gatherings such as Beloved, Flowstate and the Northwest Permaculture Convergence.
Miku is delighted to have moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, which she finds strangely similar to her birthplace, Alaska.
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