Mondays, 7-8:15 pm
6 Training Sessions: January 13 and 27, February 3 and 17, March 2 and 16. Our group rate is $108.
(scholarships available – no one turned away)
Join our group, Honolulu EcoSattvas!
Catch the wave! Come to Still & Moving Center and connect with a world community for a brand new EcoSattva training on today’s climate crisis. With introductions in December, the trainings will happen on two Mondays a month January – March 2020, we’ll be gathering not only as a local community but with others around the world for this unique online course featuring some of the most powerful voices today at the intersection of mindfulness, Buddhist practice and ecological crises.
Each session will include background materials, a core session video featuring a leading voice in ecodharma, inquires we can explore individually and together, follow up materials and more. In addition to our own gathering, all registered participants will be invited to join monthly live conversations for all those around the world registered for the training with One Earth Sangha.
Together, we stand at an edge, an edge of danger and opportunity, peril and possibility, turbulence and transformation. As the climate crisis moves from being abstract, far away and in the future to self-evident in the here-and-now, human society risks a collective swing from one version of problematic response to another. Those previously in some form of denial, distraction or disavowal may move through the narrow window of acceptance and straight into anxiousness, hopelessness, or outrage.
To be thoroughly aware of the dramatic changes underway while remaining authentically helpful is to learn to stay with profound uncertainty, to metabolize a mind-boggling and heart-breaking situation to the point of compassionate clarity and finally to move into deeply rooted, durable, and active response. This is essentially a spiritual task, a job that only big stories and deep practices can hold.
With the support our tradition’s wisdom and practices, we invite you to join us in One Earth Sangha’s EcoSattva Training to come together at this edge. Drawing on insights from Buddhism and the growing field of climate psychology, we will explore our thoughts and feelings about the climate crisis so we can respond to it authentically, positively and whole-heartedly. Together, we’ll explore this time of intensifying change and cultivate the wisdom and compassion that can carry us forward.
Registration is through, and for a group of 8, each participant will pay $108. If you can’t afford the registration fee, One Earth Sangha has a scholarship program. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Still and Moving Center, Krista Hiser, and Liz Kashinsky are hosting this group as a community service.
Curious? You are welcome to attend the introductory December sessions to see whether this training is right for you; all attendees must register with by Jan 1 to continue. There are 8 sessions in total, and a ninth celebration session to be held at a location the group chooses.
Krista Hiser, Lizabeth Kashinsky and Still & Moving Center offer this trainig as our seva, our voluntary, free service, out of our profound love and concern for this precious Earth we live upon. We look forward to sharing the training with you!
Dates may be adjusted slightly by group consensus.
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