By David Sanders
Here are three avenues that I travel on to stay young at heart!
Keep your body moving
For me, staying young at heart is synonymous with staying young in the body and mind. I keep myself active, so the body is able to respond to the moment, whatever arises. I do a lot of yoga, dance and stretching to keep my energy high.
Practice healthy eating
I eat well. I treat myself to good food (organic and fresh whenever possible), and have sweets occasionally and in moderation, with awareness of what ingredients I’m consuming. For example, I only buy quality ice cream, so I’m not loading up on chemicals along with the yummy sugar and fats. It’s comfort food when I treat myself, so I have the peace of mind that it’s good for the soul.
Keep a healthy mental appetite
I maintain a healthy mental appetite as well. I practice mindfulness in every aspect of my life. I attend to all of my activities, thoughts and emotions through active observation and acceptance. I take responsibility for all of it, which leaves me feeling empowered. I learn and grow from my mistakes and learn everything I can. I keep myself interested in life.
Enjoy your life!
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