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Hawaii’s 4th annual International Yoga Day LIVE, In-person & Online
Theme: Being Truly Human
Hosted by Still & Moving Center, Gandhi International Institute for Peace & Academy of Mindful Movement
Being truly Human
Focusing on the power of self-determination & choosing our way. It points to the humane aspect of being human, our kuleana to our fellow human beings and all the other beings with whom we share the planet.
Still & Moving Center recognizes the importance of yoga the world over. Discover how we, as humans on this planet, can apply our practice to the betterment of all at this international event.
Women and men, yoginis and yogins throughout Hawaii and beyond have cultivated mindful yoga and yoga-like activities for the mind and body. Our presenters and world experts will provide you with a combination of opportunities to move and insight through illuminating lectures.
We are grateful to Raj Kumar and his Gandhi International Institute for Peace for leading the charge that culminated in Hawaii being the first state in the nation to officially recognize International Yoga Day! We are also joined in this endeavor by the Academy of Mindful Movement & Blue Lotus Yoga Oahu.
Our growing roster of presenters includes:
Directed by Neelanthi Vadivel
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