(日本時間:日曜日9:15〜10:15 am)
Saturdays 2:15-3:15 pm HST/
Sundays 9:15-10:15 am JST
Class led in Japanese ONLY
神経を落ち着かせ、副交感神経系に働きかけ、ストレスを解消し、心身をリラックスさせる、初心者の方もご参加いただけるオープンレベルのヨガ・ストレッチのクラスです。このクラスは忙しい日々を過ごしている方、心が落ち着かない方におすすめです。 クラスの流れはマインドフルネスを重視した深い呼吸を行い、セルフマッサージのテクニックの紹介、シンプルで簡単なヨガのポーズで、呼吸を深め、内臓をほぐしてゆきます。 シャバーサナでの導入瞑想で締めくくります。
“Stress Relief Yoga”
An open level yoga and stretching class to settle the nerves and shift the work to the parasympathetic nervous system -conducive to stress relief and relaxation. This class is recommended for those busy, restless souls. The class opens with deep breathing & mindfulness, flows into self massage techniques and ends with simple, accessible yoga poses to deepen our breath and to create space for our internal organs. A guided meditation in Savasana closes the practice.

幼い頃から踊ることが大好きで、3歳からモダンバレエやクラシックバレエを始める。葛藤を抱えた10 代、踊ることで救われ「人はなぜ踊るのか」ということに関心を持つ。ダンスなどの芸術表現が身体と心にどのような影響を与えるのかを探究したく、大学で心理学や芸術療法を学ぶ。
2015年からニアを始め、2017年に大好きなスティル&ムービングセンター にて尊敬するWinalee Zeebの指導のもと、NIa White Belt Trainingを修了。同様に同センターでWinalee指導のもと、2018年にNia Green Belt Training、2019年にNia Blue Belt Trainingを修了。
“スティル&ムービングセンター でのトレーニングは私の人生の中でも特別で大切な時間でした。英語が母国語ではない私ですが、ニアを通して、スティル&ムービングセンターに集う世界中の方たちと繋がることが出来た経験は、私にたくさんのポジティブな影響を与えてくれました。”
“スティル&ムービングセンター は私にとって大切な HOME です。”
Yukie teaches Nia and Yoga for a wide variety of age groups at studios and for companies based in Kanagawa prefecture in Japan.
Even from a young age Yukie loved to dance. She started learning modern dance and classic ballet at the age of 3. During struggles in her teenage years, dance saved her from being overcome by difficult challenges, and she became interested in “why people dance.” To explore how art forms such as dance affect the body and mind, she studied psychology and healing art at university.
Yukie sadly stopped dancing due to injuries, then discovered different styles of dance and yoga. To continue studying the body/mind relationship, Yukie earned her yoga instructor certification.
At the same time, she discovered Nia. She was impressed with the philosophy and phenomenon of Nia. By becoming more aware of her body sensations, of her emotional feelings, and of her thoughts while doing Nia, Yukie became more aware of her true self. She realized how much potential each individual naturally has, and how the movement of Nia leads to a healthy body and mind.
Yukie started Nia in 2015 and completed her Nia White Belt Training with her beloved teacher, Winalee Zebb at Still & Moving Center in Hawaii. She returned again for her Nia Green Belt Training in 2018 and Nia Blue Belt Training in 2019, both with Winalee.
At the age of 32, Yukie had a major surgery (segmentectomy of the breast) to remove a phyllomic tumor. Even though she went through tremendous pain throughout the recovery process, her Nia techniques helped her to find the movements that her body needed to recuperate and feel comfortable again, and she was able to return to work.
Training at Still & Moving Center was one of the most valuable times in her life. Even though English is not her native language, she was able to connect to people from all over the world through Nia at Still & Moving. That experience positively influenced her life. Says Yukie: “Still & Moving Center is my precious home.”
Yukie is RYT certified for 500hrs through Yoga Alliance.
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