We invite you to take a sacred pause to join us in celebration of Earth Day, honoring and deepening our connections to our beautiful planet. We will come together for a short, guided meditation to awaken our senses and cultivate awareness of the interconnectedness of the human and nonhuman world.
Your generous donations will go towards Malama Learning Center, specifically to highlight a legacy project featured on this website: https://www.outsidehawaii-mlc.org/.
Lizabeth tells us: “The people of Malama Learning Center have given tremendously and tirelessly for the conservation of our precious native species and ecosystems. The Malama Aina Field School has made a huge difference in the lives of many youth, particularly those on the West Side who have had fewer economic advantages. It would really mean a lot, and I would appreciate it very much. It would be amazing if the short meditation could have much more of an impact on the world than I could have imagined when I considered offering this meditation!” – Lizabeth Kashinsky
Lizabeth has been devotedly protecting Hawaiiʻs unique species and ecosystems throughout her 25 year career. She believes that cultivating loving kindness towards ourselves and the earth is one way to do this. Through guided meditations, yoga classes, and nature based workshops and retreats, she incorporates ways to deepen our connections to and love for the natural world.
Lizabeth has most recently led the Ecosattva training at Still & Moving Center with Krista Hiser. Lizabeth has also worked in the field of conservation in Hawaii since 1994. She began practicing hatha yoga and mindfulness meditation in 2000. She discovered that these practices helped to still her active mind and recover from health challenges.
Lizabeth completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training in Honolulu in 2009 and has been teaching yoga ever since. She completed a mastersʻs degree in Ecopsychology in 2012 at Naropa University. An avid horse-woman, ocean lover, and hiker, Lizabeth feels most at home outdoors!
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