By Renée Tillotson
with Anne Weber – Coworking Community Manager
Welcoming Impact Hub Honolulu, our new, just-down-the-block neighbor! This shared office/event/community space makes itself available for everything from one-off events to full time office work, in shared or private areas. It’s a great place to meet clients or do some power computing. Fortunately for Still & Moving folks, Impact Hub provides easy grab-and-go food items, including vegetarian selections.
Impact Hub Honolulu offers a wide array of space set-ups for work share, with your first visit being free. The many types of membership start with 2 visits at $30/mo and go up to unlimited hours/mo at $200. Their motto is “CoWorking is the Better Way: Building community. Making impact.”
Before Impact Hub Honolulu began, Anne Weber was teacher at Maili Elementary School who thought there should be more teachers and students interconnecting with business. Now that Anne is managing the Impact Hub, she’s pioneering an Intern pipeline that Impact Hub will organize to interface willing students with welcoming businesses.
Two of Anne’s favorite moments so far at Impact Hub:
Seeing the State Superintendent of Schools sitting in a beanbag chair during an all day workshop for teachers
Shopping in the Keiki Marketplace with 27 businesses run by students ages 3 – 16 years old, who were even taking credit cards!
This last week Still & Moving Center’s yoga teacher Justin Bolle helped Impact Hub’s coworkers to stretch out between power business sessions.
Anne is looking forward to the Impact Hub hosting an event called Building Community with Women Entrepreneurs this coming Tuesday, March 13th, 12-1:30 pm, with lunch sponsored by American Savings Bank: Building Community with Women Entrepreneurs
1050 Queen St. #100 Honolulu, HI 96814

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