August, 2020
Big news for Hawaii’s Ho`ōla Nā Pua! This past week, the Bromley Foundation generously donated $2 million for the newly named Bromley Family Pearl Haven Campus. Ho`ōla Nā Pua is a local non-profit advocacy group that provides support to victims of child sex trafficking. Pearl Haven will be a safe place for sexually exploited youth to heal and rediscover a new hope and vision for their futures, though comprehensive wellness and treatment programming.
Ho`ōla Nā Pua has now raised over $8.2 million of their $9 million goal! They ask our help to raise the final $800,000 to get to the finish line. Donate HERE.
Facts About Sex Trafficking in Hawaii:
• The average age a child is first sex trafficked is 11 years old.
• 1 in 3 child victims are recruited online into sex trafficking.
• 1 in 4 child victims are exploited by their own family. (3 out of 4 are exploited by someone they know.)
• 69% of sex trafficking victims have been homeless

Pearl Haven 19 Challenge
Help build a haven where girls can heal.
Pearl Haven’s doors need to open by January 2021. Ho’ōla Nā Pua was in its final phase of completion for Pearl Haven when COVID-19 changed the world’s reality and operating capacity. As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, financing for the completion of Pearl Haven is 100% dependent on event fundraising, grants, and donors. The economic impact was felt immediately.
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the number of vulnerable and displaced youth being trafficked – a result of mandated isolation with an extraordinary number of youth spending time online.
If Pearl Haven were open today, there would be a safe haven for sex trafficked youth to heal, not only during this global pandemic but in the ongoing pandemic of sex trafficking.
“We must stop turning our backs to the fact that sex trafficking is a REAL crisis in Hawaii. We at The Bromley Foundation refuse to allow this injustice to continue and are incredibly proud to be a part of this phenomenal effort by Ho’ola Na Pua to help these girls find a path to freedom complete with comprehensive healing, education and safe integration back into society. We want to be part of the solution, offering a future of hope instead of ignoring their victimization. We hope this gift will inspire others to do the same, and take action against this violation of our youth,” said a spokesperson from The Bromley Foundation.
Hawaii Takes a Stand Against Trafficking
With Hoʻōla Nā Pua
On this World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, let us reaffirm our commitment to stop criminals from ruthlessly exploiting people for profit and to help victims rebuild their lives.
– U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres
July 30th was World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. Ho`ōla Nā Pua and its many volunteers, partners, and donors hear the urgent need for awareness and action against this rampant issue of human trafficking. The Hawaiian name Ho`ōla Nā Pua means “New Life for our Children.” Pearl Heaven is even closer to its goal of being finished and ready to welcome the keiki into this caring space by the target date of January 2021. Its comprehensive array of programs will support the children with their health needs, education, advocacy, and reintegration back into society.
For more information, videos about Hoʻōla Nā Pua, or to donate, click HERE.

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