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Schedule At Still & Moving Center

Hawaii Wellness & Culture Center Schedule: Find a Class at Still & Moving. As a wellness and culture center in Hawaii, Still & Moving offers many opportunities for you to find the right class in-person or online.

​If variety is the spice of life, Still & Moving Center offers a veritable masala of mindful movement forms, with flavors to uplift, rejuvenate and soothe!

As a wellness and cultural center in Hawaii, Still & Moving’s Center’s schedule uniquely assembles a global cast of movement teachers and specialists to meet your tastes, your needs, your language, and your time zone. And we freely sprinkle in that secret ingredient: Joy!

The guiding principles for selecting our activities remain grounded in mindfulness, quality instruction, safe practices, and enhancing your health. The teachers of our Hawaii based wellness and cultural center follow the Still & Moving Center’s mission to be “a place for teachers from diverse movement practices to follow their sacred livelihood, earning food for the body as well as nourishment for the soul”.  When it comes to scheduling those practices, we provide you with a well-balanced menu.

We are Still & Moving Center, a Hawaii wellness and cultural center! We schedule STILL, calming, meditative, contemplative, gentle, classes and conversation circles. AND we schedule classes that get you MOVING on your yoga mat, dancing to the drum, and hanging from your hammocks – aerial hammocks, that is!  We craft the yin and yang balance of our classes with care: just the right mix of relaxation and rigor for you to find your CENTER.

If a pick-me-up morning class is what you seek, we’ve got you covered. If you prefer a slower introduction to the day, with gradual injections of sparkle, browse our daily offerings to find the perfect combination. right through to evening. We don’t take scheduling lightly – and we listen to our students’ feedback and respond by shifting with the times, adding new classes and teachers who measure up to Still & Moving Center’s standards of mindful movement from the best the world has to offer. From Seattle to Chicago to Tokyo, our online classes offer a flexible schedule no matter where you are!

Like a kid in a candy store, enjoy our vast selection of wellness and fitness classes in Hawaii and online, and then come back for more!

All of our classes are taught LIVE – never pre-recorded – and are offered in 3 learning formats:

Live Online: Virtual class from the comfort of your own home.

In-studio Livestream: Virtual class in studio with your fellow students and the instructor streaming to our large screen monitors.

In-person: Classes led the “old-fashioned” way – with your teacher leading the session in person in the studio.

Find a Class


ELDOA™ Breath & Stretch. Live Online

Marla Waal, ACAD 1
Marla Waal, ACAD 1
Do you have chronic neck, shoulder or back pain? A very important piece of this problem could be your breathing. Even after the most amazing treatment or massage, our pain will likely return if we go right back to upper chest and neck breathing. This class combines Buteyko and Yogic Breathing principles along with gentle stretching to release tension. Marla weaves in highly effective ELDOA™ postures throughout this unique practice to enhance the movement of specific joint regions along your spine. The subtle approach of this class incorporates options for absolute beginners and seasoned ‘power yogis.’ French Osteopath Guy Voyer, DO, created the ELDOA™ technique to eradicate back pain. Consider this class to be a 'bliss doorway' into your day, or simply a way to shed the build up of work and life stress.
Thursday March 27, 2025
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
60 min
— Available to book


Function & Flow Yoga Basics- All levels

Robin Shepard, ACAD 1
Robin Shepard, ACAD 1
Function & Flow Yoga Basics All levels Move with Fluidity Robin warmly invites you to experience the FluidUs yoga practice. Appropriate for all levels (including absolute beginners), her class provides you with functional movement, natural breath mechanics, and balance through grounding - all with practical applications for your daily life. Robin’s preferred yoga technique - called FluidUs - arises from a deep understanding of the body’s myofascial lines and the ways our bodies work as a coordinated and interconnected system rather than a series of separate mechanical parts. Expect novel approaches to traditional postures and props, sincerity, a sense of humor, and fun! As you move, you discover and celebrate your body’s innate intelligence . You find out how good it feels to move in a full-body, integrated way. Robin teaches yoga with a light, listen-to-your-body approach to achieve genuine body satisfaction and results. You’ll notice how these beneficial movement patterns help you unravel some of the habits and dysfunctional postures of our modern lifestyles.
Thursday March 27, 2025
7:15 PM
8:15 PM
60 min
Dance Dojo
In-person or online booking options


Feldenkrais. Live Online

Sara Binns
Sara Binns
Improve the quality of your movement to improve the quality of your life! The Feldenkrais Method™ of somatic education is a life-changing practice of learning through movement. By unwinding our habitual patterns of moving, thinking, and feeling, we discover novel ways of being with ourselves and the world. In Feldenkrais classes, you will be guided through slow, gentle movements on the floor that unwind muscular tension and calm the nervous system. The method is inspired by the way babies learn to move and interact with their environments - looking, rolling, reaching, using support from the floor. No prior experience necessary! As you rediscover your innate capacity for effortless, efficient, and graceful movement, you may also find your way out of significant levels of pain or discomfort. Many students find themselves freed of years of pain that they thought they would live with forever. Through exploring movement and sensing the environment, we discover novel ways to get whatever it is we most want out of life. For a baby that may be reaching for a toy and bringing it to the mouth, but for an adult, that may be learning to play a sport better, becoming a better actor or dancer, living a pain-free life, increasing productivity at work, or finding harmony at home. Many students of the Feldenkrais Method™ find their physical and non-physical problems spontaneously disappearing as they increase their self-awareness. “The lessons are designed to improve ability, that is, to expand the boundaries of the possible: to turn the impossible into the possible, the difficult into the easy, and the easy into the pleasant.” - Moshe Feldenkrais
Thursday March 27, 2025
9:00 PM
10:00 PM
60 min
— Available to book


Bodies in Motion with Gilad Janklowicz ACAD

Gilad Janklowicz
Gilad Janklowicz
Rather than showing you what he can do, Gilad shows you what YOU can do. This 60 minute energetic Cardio, Toning and Range-of-Motion workout combines elements from the worlds of athletics, dance, martial arts, Pilates and strength training. Gilad gives time at the end of class for students to ask questions and make comments about their learning. Gilad encourages you throughout class to maintain the "body in motion." He reminds you to adjust the movement to your body's pace. He also spends time going over correct posture to prevent damaged muscles and other injuries. By the time you leave class, you'll feel energized and healthy from this strong and safe workout.
Friday March 28, 2025
12:00 AM
1:00 AM
60 min
Dance Dojo
In-person or online booking options


Intermediate Hula Kahiko. Kumu permission required

Malia Helela, ACAD 1
Malia Helela, ACAD 1
As an experienced hula dancer, you know that you’ll dance this ancient kahiko style to the beat of the ipu (Hawaiian gourd drum). At this level, Kumu Mālia continues to put emphasis on our understanding the underlying meaning behind the dances, as well as deeply connecting to the elements of nature. Class often begins an oli (chant) and/or introduction to Hawaiian culture. We warm up with the basic steps and progress into choreographed hula. We study both standing and noho (sitting) forms of hula, as well as learning to use a variety of hula implements over time, such as the ipu (gourd drum), the ‘ili’ili (river rocks), the kala’au (wooden sticks) and ‘uli’uli (feather-capped gourd rattle). This Intermediate Hula Kahiko class is comprised of members of Kumu Mālia’s halau (school for learning a traditional Hawaiian cultural practice), which is named Nā Hula Ola Aloha. Halau classes happen on Thursday evenings, and members frequently attend Sunday hula kahiko classes as well. Halau members are invited with their families to participate in cultural events, such as quarterly hi’uwai (ocean cleansing ceremonies) on the solstices and equinoxes, and occasionally other events and performances in the community. You can use this class to prepare for performances, especially if you live on island or are able to travel here. Halau members off island can sometimes participate in online performances as well. Performances opportunities at Still & Moving Center include our May Day event, our Diwali Festival of Light in October/November, and our Merry & Bright celebration in mid-December. Halau membership takes you closer to the heart of Hawaiian culture - its history, language, connection with the ‘aina (land), etc. Halau members occasionally learn traditional methods for preparing their adornments (such as flower lei) in preparation for a performance or ceremony. As a traditional lomilomi practitioner and trainer, Kumu Mālia sometimes shares Hawaiian massage techniques during halau sessions. Joining this halau requires at least a 2 year commitment. If you are interested in joining, please contact Kumu Mālia.
Friday March 28, 2025
3:45 AM
4:45 AM
60 min
Dance Dojo
In-person or online booking options


BeliRaq Dance Fitness. In-person

Andrea  De Gruchy ACAD
Andrea De Gruchy ACAD
Shake, step, and sway your hips towards better health! Feel the joy of exercise and the love of dance! Since Andrea de Gruchy founded BeliRaq Dance Fitness in 2011, it has captivated fitness seekers with a flair ever since. This unique workout modality uses belly dance moves to engage the whole body. Let yourself be guided into gentle stretches and body isolations. Add faster movements for a well-balanced cardio workout inspired by the beat of drum solos. A dynamic class, BeliRaq enhances your core muscles, flexibility, and stamina. The foundation of movement comes from our lower body. As we strengthen muscles in our feet, ankles, legs, and core, we gain better balance and get a more efficient workout. People of all fitness levels can benefit from this engaging, interactive class. Let BeliRaq be your fitness worth dancing for!
Friday March 28, 2025
3:45 AM
4:45 AM
60 min
Barefoot Ballroom
In-person or online booking options


Tai Chi Chuan. Live Online

Dr. Wong Kai Ming, ACAD 1
Dr. Wong Kai Ming, ACAD 1
Dr. Wong presents this class like the soft curve of a circle - you can join in anywhere along its path, beginner or experienced practitioner. Regular practice, of course, yields the greatest benefits. Students also often notice immediate life improvements within a month of beginning T’ai Chi Ch’uan. As you practice, your heart rate may start to lower. You will no doubt find a greater sense of calm - while simultaneously feeling more alert. The many moves that cross the midline of your body stimulate your brain and entire nervous system. The movement sequences enhance your memory as you assimilate them. The Yang style T’ai Chi Ch’uan Dr. Wong teaches was embraced during the Cultural Revolution when China decided to recognize T’ai Chi Ch’uan as one of their unique cultural treasures to promote health. This form consists of 24 basic moves, performed in a slow, grounded manner. Dr. Wong includes in the middle of the class exercises and elements from various martial and healing practices, and concludes with a final practice of the 24 move sequence. Students freely share questions and find many applications to their daily experience bubbling up from this practice.
Friday March 28, 2025
4:00 AM
5:00 AM
60 min
— Available to book


Hula Kahiko & Oli Basics - Dancing & Chanting

Malia Helela, ACAD 1
Malia Helela, ACAD 1
This hour-long class lays the foundation for hula kahiko (ancient hula style), with a focus on movement and voice, working with the beat of the ipu (gourd drum). Join Kumu Mālia for voice warm-ups and an introduction to basic chanting techniques. The breath work in oli (traditional Hawaiian chanting) cultivates lung-capacity, vocal strength, clarity and confidence. Learn proper hula form as the foundation of every hula dance. While dancing, you systematically work the entire body from the feet up. Each class will include basic hula steps as well as choreography. Class members are invited with their families to participate in quarterly hi’uwai (ocean cleansing ceremonies) on the solstices and equinoxes.
Friday March 28, 2025
5:00 AM
6:00 AM
60 min
Dance Dojo
In-person or online booking options


ELDOA™ Method for Back Pain. Live Online

Stacey Stone
The results of practicing the ELDOA Method are a sense of ease in your body, especially in your back, improved posture, and an overall sense of well being. This practice promotes independence. You will learn how to relieve, heal and strengthen your own spine! A French Osteopath named Guy Voyer created the ELDOA to eradicate back pain. Using the body’s fascial chains and the principle of tensegrity, the postures of ELDOA set up specific line of traction to open up spaces in our spinal column as well as shoulders, hips and ribs. Marla blends this powerful practice with yogic breathing and gentle stretches.
Friday March 28, 2025
6:00 PM
7:15 PM
75 min
— Available to book


Friday at the Barre Ballet. In-person

Georgia Ortega
Georgia Ortega
Come enjoy the beauty and grace of Classical Ballet with somatic movement quality! In this supportive and inclusive environment, you will learn (or review) fundamental Ballet positions, terminology, and steps, while developing greater body awareness and whole body coordination. Each class is designed to enhance your understanding of body alignment, and musicality through barre exercises that build strength and flexibility. This class is a great compliment to Wednesday’s Begin at The Barre with Elizabeth Lentz-Hill at 5:45 pm. Warm up at ELDOA with Stacey Stone before class at 8:00 am. Dance your heart out in Nia with Renée at 10:30 am following Friday at the Barre. All levels welcome. No previous experience necessary. Ballet shoes or cotton socks are recommended. A sturdy upright chair, tabletop or counter substitute well for a barre at home.
Friday March 28, 2025
7:20 PM
8:20 PM
60 min
Dance Dojo
In-person or online booking options



Renée Tillotson, ACADEMY
Renée Tillotson, ACADEMY
Do you like leaving class on a natural high that will lift your spirit for the rest of the day? Nia class is a sure bet. Love to dance? Or think you can’t dance, have no grace, are un-coordinated? Try Nia, where you get to dance your heart out, and you just can’t do it wrong. Nia is a joyful body-mind-spirit fitness practice to soul-stirring music. Students say Nia feels smooth in their joints and makes every part of their body feel more open, and more alive. Nia fuses the moves of dance, martial arts and healing arts (such as yoga and Feldenkrais) with a large scoop of fun! No matter what your shape, age or gender Nia teaches you to listen to your body to customize your own workout. One student in the class might turn up the dial for a sweat-drenched cardio session, combined with stretching and strengthening, while another student in the same class might take a much gentler approach, just right for their body's conditioning. Nia provides a perfect balance of structure and freedom. Taking class barefoot provides you with greater body awareness, increased balance, mobility and agility. Learn to dance through life! Leave with the exhilaration of a happy kid just finishing recess! For more insight on Nia, please go to www.nianow.com, especially https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3rRjq1oaXg
Friday March 28, 2025
8:30 PM
9:45 PM
75 min
Barefoot Ballroom
In-person or online booking options


Baby Hula Cultural Immersion. Baby class *IN THE STUDIO*

Malia Helela, ACAD 1
Malia Helela, ACAD 1
We believe that the littlest keiki can dance hula and we have welcomed dancers as young as two weeks old! Caregivers dance together with their keiki so that everybody learns something! Most hula are performed seated, so keiki can explore hula from the safety of a familiar lap. The 30 minute class time is just right for developing attention spans. Meet us at Still & Moving Center: 1024 Queen St Keep checking back in to see when we will resume baby hula at magic island.
Friday March 28, 2025
8:30 PM
9:00 PM
30 min
Dance Dojo


Aloha Friday Hula Basics

Malia Helela, ACAD 1
Malia Helela, ACAD 1
Kumu Malia LOVES the basics because she understands that a solid foundation underlies every graceful hula. In this class, careful attention is given to basic steps and gestures so that the dancer can access deep inner confidence while dancing. Party hulas will be emphasized so come prepared to have good time!
Friday March 28, 2025
10:15 PM
11:15 PM
60 min
Barefoot Ballroom
In-person or online booking options


Intermediate Hula Auwana Performance Rehearsals

Malia Helela, ACAD 1
Malia Helela, ACAD 1
For existing students who have working knowledge of current choreography in preparation for upcoming performances.
Friday March 28, 2025
11:30 PM
12:30 AM
60 min
Barefoot Ballroom
In-person or online booking options


Full Body Stretching & Mobility - All Levels

Jessica Eirado
Jessica Eirado
Ready to unwind, increase flexibility, and improve your ability to move as you wish to move throughout your life? Jessica guides you through a somatic practice that helps prevent injuries as you give attention to your body’s wellbeing, not trying to keep up with anyone else in the class. Each session combines gentle stretches with mobility drills to release tension and improve joint range of motion. Take care of your body’s needs at a relaxed pace and progress at your own rhythm. Whether you're looking to reduce stiffness, enhance posture, or simply relax after taking our classes at Still & Moving, you’ll leave this class feeling restored and centered. Use this Friday afternoon class to stretch out after Hula or warm up before Fit + FUNtional or Somatic Contemporary Dance!
Saturday March 29, 2025
12:45 AM
1:45 AM
60 min
Barefoot Ballroom
In-person or online booking options


Intermediate Ukulele Strumming

Malia Helela, ACAD 1
Malia Helela, ACAD 1
Basic strumming and knowledge of chords recommended. Bring your ukulele and strum along with Kumu Malia! This half hour class progresses from chord positions to strumming and includes basic arpeggios. This fun and lighthearted class is a perfect start to your weekend!
Saturday March 29, 2025
1:00 AM
1:30 AM
30 min
Dance Dojo
In-person or online booking options


'Ōlelo for Hula

Malia Helela, ACAD 1
Malia Helela, ACAD 1
'Ōlelo means “language” in Hawaiian. This Hawaiian language lesson will focus on the different mele hula with the goal of better understanding the stories behind the dance. Hula tells stories with the hands and the most important aspect to conveying the song is understanding what you are dancing about. We will go over vocabulary & sentence structures of hula songs, and also discuss places mentioned and possible deeper meanings to the imagery. Come join us! We will conclude each class by singing the song together while Kumu Malia plays her 'ukulele. Taught in English.
Saturday March 29, 2025
1:45 AM
2:15 AM
30 min
Dance Dojo
In-person or online booking options


Fit & FUNctional

Thuan Nguyen ACAD
Thuan Nguyen ACAD
What better way to close your Aloha Friday with a Fit + FUNctional fitness class? Fit & FUNctional is designed to combine the best of fitness and functional movement in a fun, energizing and inclusive environment. This class focuses on building strength, stability and mobility while incorporating dynamic exercises that support real-life movements. Whether you're lifting groceries, carrying kids, or just improving your posture and everyday movements, this class is perfect for all fitness levels! Class Highlights: Functional Movements: Learn and practice exercises that target key movements like squatting, lifting, twisting, and bending to improve your daily activities. Strength & Conditioning: Build overall body strength with a variety of resistance training exercises using free weights, resistance bands, and bodyweight movements. Mobility & Flexibility: Increase joint mobility, flexibility, and balance through dynamic stretches and mobility drills. Cardio & Endurance: Get your heart pumping with circuits that combine high-intensity intervals with functional movements to boost your stamina Fun & Supportive Environment: Work with an experienced coach alongside like-minded individuals in a fun, supportive atmosphere where every level of fitness is welcomed.
Saturday March 29, 2025
2:00 AM
3:00 AM
60 min
Still & Moving Center


AweSomatic Contemporary Dance Class - All Levels. In-person

Jessica Eirado
Jessica Eirado
If you're seeking exercise that doesn’t feel like it, come to this dance class! This “awe-somatic” contemporary dance both fills the spirit and pumps your blood! Together, we seek to release judgment from dancing and remember the joy. In somatic dancing, we approach the body as a landscape for exploration. Following an energizing warm-up that mindfully includes conditioning and toning, we break down playful and musical choreography into a low risk and curiosity-building event. This class will groove to a variety of uplifting, upbeat music, inviting the movers on a journey full of AWE. Reconnect with your body, rewire your brain by playing with coordination and rhythm, all while giving yourself a great workout. Come free the mind and loosen up your dancing skills on an early Friday afternoon to jumpstart your weekend! All levels welcome.
Saturday March 29, 2025
2:30 AM
3:30 AM
60 min
Dance Dojo


Intermediate Contemporary Dance with Jessica Eirado. In-person

Jessica Eirado
Jessica Eirado
Ready to unleash your inner performer? Join an exciting and dynamic dance class designed for intermediate dancers eager to refine their skills with opportunities to experience the thrill of the stage. Together, we’ll dive into learning and mastering group choreography. We’ll showcase our learning at Still & Moving’s events, including Still & Moving’s Birthday celebration on Sunday, March 16th! Jessica starts with an energizing warm-up that mindfully includes conditioning and toning. This series will groove to a variety of uplifting, upbeat music, inviting the movers on an exciting journey toward the stage! She then breaks down the moves of her playful, musical choreography to prepare us for performing it. Take the opportunity to be part of this thrilling dance experience!
Saturday March 29, 2025
3:45 AM
4:45 AM
60 min
Barefoot Ballroom

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